Translations by olavi tohver

olavi tohver has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

11 of 1 result
Only activate this driver if you have problems with your wireless LAN connection. The free "ath5k" driver should work with most Atheros cards nowadays, but on some computers this alternate (but proprietary) driver still works better, or at all.
Aktiveeri see draiver ainult siis, kui sul on probleeme raadiovõrku ühendumisel. Vaba "ath5k" draiver peaks töötama enamiku kaasaegsete Atheros'e kaartidega, aga mõnel arvutil töötab see alternatiivne (aga omanduslik) draiver paremini või ainsana.