Translations by Asterhex

Asterhex has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
Generally, none of these consoles can boot Linux directly, so the assistance of an intermediary bootloader is required. There are two mainstream Linux loaders: <command>MILO</command> and <command>aboot</command>.
Generalmente, nessuna di queste console può avviare Linux direttamente, perciò è richiesto l'intervento di un bootloader intermediario. Sono due i bootloader principali: <command>MILO</command> o <command>aboot</command>.
<command>aboot</command> is a small, platform-independent bootloader, which runs from SRM only. See the (also unfortunately outdated) <ulink url="&url-srm-howto;">SRM HOWTO</ulink> for more information on <command>aboot</command>.
<command>aboot</command> è un bootloader leggero, indipendente dalla piattaforma, che parte solo da SMR.Guarda <ulink url="&url-srm-howto;">SRM HOWTO</ulink> (purtroppo non aggiornato) per ulteriori informazioni su <command>aboot</command>.