Translations by lxiusl
lxiusl has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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555. |
Apply Bazaar Bundle
2009-05-29 |
Aplicar paquete del bazar
923. |
Extace Waveform Display
2009-05-29 |
Exhibición de la forma de onda de Extace
963. |
Peak fitting and data analysis
2009-05-29 |
Análisis máximo de la guarnición y de datos
1053. |
live looping instrument
2009-05-29 |
instrumento de colocación
1115. |
Construction and analysis of finite extensive and normal form games
2009-05-29 |
Construcción y análisis de finito extensivo y normal forma de juegos.
1304. |
slow CW (QRSS) / dual-frequency CW (DFCW)
2009-05-29 |
Bajo CW (QRSS) / frecuencia-dual CW (DFCW)
1443. |
Gnome's KiSSeake dolls viewer
2009-05-29 |
Gnome's KiSSeake visor de muñecas
1544. |
psk31 program for hamradio operators
2009-05-29 |
psk31 programa por hamradio operadores
1609. |
GTK Smith Chart Calculator
2009-05-29 |
GTK Smith Carta Calculadora
1731. |
Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' trails
2009-05-29 |
Collecta ciclos iniciales y evita los rastros de tus oponentes.
1792. |
Identify differences in the API exposed by mono library assemblies.
2009-05-29 |
Identifica differencias en el API exposuesto por librerías mono asambleas.
1794. |
GEMINI optimization procedure to find a locally optimal value of the theta vector of recombination fractions
2009-05-29 |
GEMINI optimizacion procedimiento para encontrar un optimo valor local de un vector theta de fraciones de recombinación.