Translations by Walter Garcia-Fontes

Walter Garcia-Fontes has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
Power Statistics can show historical and current battery information and programs waking up that use power.
Les estadístiques d'energia poden mostrar la informació històrica i actual de la bateria i els programes que es desperten que usen eneria.
You probably only need to install this application if you are having problems with your laptop battery, or are trying to work out what programs are using significant amounts of power.
Probablement sols us cal instal·lar aquesta aplicació si teniu problemes amb la bateria del vostre portàtil, o esteu intentant esbrinar quins programes estan usant una quantitat significativa d'energia.
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