Translations by Dejan Dežman

Dejan Dežman has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
<span weight="bold" size="larger">Please enter your password to access problem reports of system programs</span>
<span weight="bold" size="larger">Za dostop do poročanja o problemih s sistemskimi programi morate vpisati svoje geslo</span>
An error occurred, please run Package Manager from the right-click menu or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong. The error message was: '%s'
Prišlo je do napake. Da bi ugotovili, kaj je narobe, zaženite orodje za nameščanje paketov iz priročnega menija (desni klik) ali pa poženite apt-get v ukazni vrstici. Napaka je: '%s'
An error occurred, please run Package Manager from the right-click menu or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong.
Prišlo je do napake. Da bi ugotovili kaj je narobe, iz priročnega menija zaženite orodje za nameščanje paketov ali pa apt-get v ukazni vrstici.