Translations by Takeshi AIHANA
Takeshi AIHANA has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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1. |
Current theme
2010-11-18 |
2. |
Default popup location on the workspace for stack notifications. Allowed values: "top_left","top_right","bottom_left" and "bottom_right"
2010-11-18 |
通知情報を積み重ねてポップアップ表示するデフォルトの場所です。指定可能な値: "top_left"、"top_right"、"bottom_left"、"bottom_right"
3. |
Popup location
2010-11-18 |
4. |
The theme used when displaying notifications.
2010-11-18 |