Window Management
Translated by
Takeshi AIHANA
Located in
Unknown window information request: %d
ウィンドウ情報の要求が不明です: %d
Translated by
Takeshi AIHANA
Located in
Could not parse "%s " as an integer
"%s "を整数として構文解釈できませんでした
Translated and reviewed by
Takeshi AIHANA
Located in
Did not understand trailing characters "%s " in string "%s "
末尾の文字列 "%s " (文字列 "%s ") を理解できませんでした
Translated and reviewed by
Takeshi AIHANA
Located in
../src/ui/theme-parser.c:605 ../src/ui/theme-parser.c:660
Failed to parse message " %s " from dialog process
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
ダイアログのプロセスからメッセージ " %s " の構文解釈に失敗しました
Translated and reviewed by
Takeshi AIHANA
Error reading from dialog display process: %s
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
ダイアログ表示プロセスから読み込み際にエラーが発生しました: %s
Translated and reviewed by
Takeshi AIHANA
Error launching metacity-dialog to ask about killing an application: %s
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
アプリケーションの強制終了を尋ねる metacity-dialog を起動する際にエラーが発生しました: %s
Translated and reviewed by
Takeshi AIHANA
Failed to get hostname: %s
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
ホスト名の取得に失敗しました: %s
Translated and reviewed by
Takeshi AIHANA
Located in
Missing %s extension required for compositing
ウィンドウの合成に必要な %s という拡張モジュールが存在しません
Translated by
Takeshi AIHANA
Located in
Failed to open X Window System display ' %s '
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Xウィンドウシステムのディスプレイ ' %s ' のオープンに失敗しました
Translated and reviewed by
Shushi Kurose
In upstream: |
Xウィンドウ・システムのディスプレイ ' %s ' のオープンに失敗しました
Suggested by
Takayuki KUSANO
Located in