Translations by Peter Hoogsteen

Peter Hoogsteen has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
<b>Document directory (DocumentRoot)</b> <p> The root directory for HTTP documents that are served. By default the compiled-in directory.</p> <p> <i>ex</i>: /usr/share/cups/doc-root</p>
<b>Dokumint triem (DocumentRoot)</b>
<b>Group (Group)</b> <p> The group the server runs under. Normally this must be <b>lpadmin</b>, however you can configure things for another group as needed.</p> <p> <i>ex</i>: lpadmin</p>
<b>Groep (Groep)</b> <p> De groep wer't de server ûnder rint. Normaal moat dit <b>lpadmin</b> weze, mar jo kinne ek dingen konfigurearje foar in oare groep wannear nedich.</p> <p> <i>ex</i>: lpadmin</p>
<b>System group (SystemGroup)</b> <p> The group name for "System" (printer administration) access. The default varies depending on the operating system, but will be <b>sys</b>, <b>system</b>, or <b>root</b> (checked for in that order).</p> <p> <i>ex</i>: lpadmin</p>
<b>Systeem groep (SystemGroup)</b> <p> De groep namme foar "System" (printer administraasje) tagong. de standerd farieared ôfhinkelik fan it opererend systeem, mar sil <b>sys</b>, <b>system</b>, as <b>root</b> weze (kontroleare foar welke oarder).</p> <p> <i>ex</i>: lpadmin</p>