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110 of 1783 results
A list of recently played games.
Un elenco delle partite giocate recentemente.
Translated by Milo Casagrande
Reviewed by Milo Casagrande
Located in ../aisleriot/
A list of strings that come in the form of a quintuple: name, wins, total games played, best time (in seconds) and worst time (also in seconds). Unplayed games do not need to be represented.
Una quintupla di stringhe nella forma: nome, vittorie, totale di partite giocate, miglior tempo (in secondi) e peggior tempo (sempre in secondi). Non è necessario rappresentare le partite mai giocate.
Translated by Milo Casagrande
Reviewed by Milo Casagrande
Located in ../aisleriot/
Recently played games
Partite giocate recentemente
Translated by Devid Antonio Filoni
Reviewed by Milo Casagrande
Located in ../aisleriot/
Select the style of control
Seleziona il tipo di controllo
Translated by Francesco Marletta
Reviewed by Milo Casagrande
Located in ../gnotravex/
Select whether to drag the cards or to click on the source then the destination.
Indica se trascinare le carte o se fare clic sulla sorgente e poi sulla destinazione.
Translated by Francesco Marletta
Reviewed by Milo Casagrande
Located in ../aisleriot/
Translated and reviewed by Francesco Marletta
Located in ../gnect/data/ ../gnobots2/src/properties.c:483 ../iagno/data/
Statistics of games played
Statistiche delle partite giocate
Translated and reviewed by Francesco Marletta
Located in ../aisleriot/
The game file to use
Il file di gioco da usare
Translated by Francesco Marletta
Reviewed by Milo Casagrande
Located in ../aisleriot/
The name of the file with the graphics for the cards.
Il nome del file contenente la grafica per le carte.
Translated by Francesco Marletta
Reviewed by Milo Casagrande
Located in ../aisleriot/
The name of the scheme file containing the solitaire game to play.
Il nome del file scheme contenente il solitario da giocare.
Translated by Francesco Marletta
Reviewed by Milo Casagrande
Located in ../aisleriot/
110 of 1783 results

This translation is managed by Traduttori Italiani del software di Ubuntu, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Aldo Latino, Alessio Treglia, Antonio Piccinno, Casimiro, Claudio Di Vita, DannyDei, Devid Antonio Filoni, Domenico De Felice, Ermanno Strazzeri, Filippo, Francesco Marletta, Francesco Usseglio, Jio Komix, MadPenguin70, Me, Milo Casagrande, Sergio Zanchetta, Stefano Roberto Soleti, bruno, fabioamd87, io_91, maruscia.