Translations by mewt

mewt has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
GNOME is a Free, usable, stable, accessible desktop environment for the Unix-like family of operating systems.
GNOME huwa ambjent tad-desktop li huwa utli, stabbli u accessibli ghall-familja tal-UNIX kollha.
GNOME's greatest strength is our strong community. Virtually anyone, with or without coding skills, can contribute to making GNOME better.
L-ikbar sahha ta GNOME hija il komunita tijaw. Virtwalment kullhadd, bil kapacita li jiprogramma jew le, jista jaghti il kontribut tijaw biex jaghmel GNOME ahjar.