Translations by Ilham Nurwansah
Ilham Nurwansah has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
3. |
Initial Setup
2023-06-06 |
Pasangkeun Setup
5. |
2023-06-06 |
6. |
2023-06-06 |
7. |
2023-06-06 |
8. |
2023-06-06 |
9. |
2023-06-06 |
10. |
2023-06-06 |
11. |
Force existing user mode
2023-06-06 |
Paksa modeu pamaké nu aya
12. |
— GNOME initial setup
2023-06-06 |
— Pamasangan GNOME munggaran
14. |
Failed to register account
2023-06-06 |
Gagal ngrégister akun
15. |
No supported way to authenticate with this domain
2023-06-06 |
Euweuh cara anu didukung pikeun oténtikasi domain ieu
16. |
Failed to join domain
2023-06-06 |
Gagal miluan domain
17. |
Failed to log into domain
2023-06-06 |
Gagal asup kana domain
18. |
Enterprise Login
2023-06-06 |
Login Pausahaan
19. |
Enterprise login allows an existing centrally managed user account to be used on this device. You can also use this account to access company resources on the internet.
2023-06-06 |
Login pausahaan ngijinkeun pamaké anu diatur kiwari sacara museur pikeun dipaké dina pakakas ieu. Anjeun ogé bisa maké akun ieu pikeun ngaksés sumberdaya pausahaan dina internét.
20. |
2023-06-06 |
21. |
2023-06-06 |
_Ngaran Pamaké
22. |
2023-06-06 |
23. |
Enterprise domain or realm name
2023-06-06 |
Domain pausahaan atawa ngaran loka
24. |
2023-06-06 |
25. |
Domain Administrator Login
2023-06-06 |
Login Administrator Domain
26. |
In order to use enterprise logins, this computer needs to be enrolled in a domain. Please have your network administrator type the domain password here, and choose a unique computer name for your computer.
2023-06-06 |
Pikeun maké login pausahaan, komputer ieu perlu ditugaskeun dina hiji domain. Mangga pénta administrator jaringan anjeun pikeun ngetik sandi kecap domain di dieu, sarta pilih ngaran komputer anu unik keur komputer anjeun.
27. |
2023-06-06 |
28. |
Administrator _Name
2023-06-06 |
29. |
Administrator Password
2023-06-06 |
Sandikecap Administrator
30. |
Please check the name and username. You can choose a picture too.
2023-06-06 |
Mangga pariksa ngaran jeung ngaran pamaké. Anjeun ogé bisa milih foto.
31. |
We need a few details to complete setup.
2023-06-06 |
Urang perlu sababarah détail pikeun ngalengkepan setup.
32. |
2023-06-06 |
33. |
Failed to create user '%s':
2023-06-06 |
Gagal nyieun pamaké '%s':
35. |
About You
2023-06-06 |
Ngeunaan Anjeun
36. |
Please provide a name and username. You can choose a picture too.
2023-06-06 |
Mangga sadiakeun ngaran jeung ngaran pamaké. Anjeun ogé bisa milih foto.
37. |
_Full Name
2023-06-06 |
_Ngaran Lengkep
38. |
Set up _parental controls for this user
2023-06-06 |
Atur _kontrol sawawa pikeun pamaké ieu
39. |
For use by a parent or supervisor, who must set up their own password.
2023-06-06 |
Pikeun dipaké ku indung/bapa atawa pangaping, anu kudu ngatur sandikecap sorangan.
40. |
_Enterprise Login
2023-06-06 |
_Login Pausahaan
41. |
Go online to set up Enterprise Login.
2023-06-06 |
Sambungan online pikeun ngatur Login Pausahaan.
42. |
Cannot automatically join this type of domain
2023-06-06 |
Teu bisa asup kalawan otomatir kana jinis domain ieu
43. |
No such domain or realm found
2023-06-06 |
Euweuh domain atawa loka nu éta
44. |
Cannot log in as %s at the %s domain
2023-06-06 |
Teu bisa asup minangka %s dina domain %s
45. |
Invalid password, please try again
2023-06-06 |
Sandikecap salah, mangga cobaan deui
46. |
Couldn’t connect to the %s domain: %s
2023-06-06 |
Teu bisa nyambung kana domain %s : %s
47. |
Sorry, that user name isn’t available. Please try another.
2023-06-06 |
Hampura, ngaran pamaké éta teu kapanggih. Cobaan nu séjénna.
48. |
The username is too long.
2023-06-06 |
Ngaran pamaké panjang teuing.
50. |
That username isn’t available. Please try another.
2023-06-06 |
Ngaran pamaké éta teu kapanggih. Cobaan deui nu séjén.
52. |
This will be used to name your home folder and can’t be changed.
2023-06-06 |
Ieu bakal dipaké pikeun méré ngaran folder home anjeun sarta teu bisa diganti.
54. |
Online Accounts
2023-06-06 |
Akun online
55. |
Connect Your Online Accounts
2023-06-06 |
Sambungkeun Akun Online Anjeun
56. |
Connect your accounts to easily access your online calendar, documents, photos and more.
2023-06-06 |
Sambungkeun akun anjeun sangkan gampang ngaksés kalénder, dokumén, foto jeung réa deui.
57. |
Accounts can be added and removed at any time from the Settings application.
2023-06-06 |
Akun bisa ditambahkeun jeung dipupus iraha baé tina aplikasi Pangaturan.
58. |
2023-06-06 |