Translations by Andrej Znidarsic

Andrej Znidarsic has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
Lists the authentication methods with which remote users may access the desktop. There are two possible authentication methods; "vnc" causes the remote user to be prompted for a password (the password is specified by the vnc-password key) before connecting and "none" which allows any remote user to connect.
Navede načine overitve, s katerimi lahko oddaljeni uporabniki dostopajo do namizja. Možna sta dve načina overitve; "vnc" pred povezavo pozove oddaljenega uporabnika za geslo (geslo je določeno z ključem gesla vnc) in "brez", ki vedno dovoli povezavo za kateregakoli oddaljenega uporabnika.
Start in tube mode, for the ‘Share my Desktop’ feature
Začni v načinu cevi za zmožnost 'Daj moje namizje v souporabo'