The item will be removed from the panel and its configuration will be lost.
El elemento se eliminará del panel y se perderá su configuración.
Translated by
Ricardo Pérez López
Reviewed by
Rudy Godoy
In upstream: |
El elemento se elimará del panel y se perderá su configuración.
Suggested by
Rudy Godoy
Located in
Translated and reviewed by
Santiago Gómez
In upstream: |
Suggested by
Rudy Godoy
Located in
Add New Item
Añadir un elemento nuevo
Translated and reviewed by
Ricardo Pérez López
In upstream: |
Nuevo elemento
Suggested by
Rudy Godoy
Located in
Customize Panel
Personalizar el panel
Translated and reviewed by
Ricardo Pérez López
In upstream: |
Personalizar panel
Suggested by
Rudy Godoy
Located in
../libxfce4panel/xfce-panel-plugin-iface.c:829 ../panel/panel.c:656
About the Xfce Panel
Acerca del panel de Xfce
Translated and reviewed by
Ricardo Pérez López
In upstream: |
Acerca del Panel de Xfce
Suggested by
Rudy Godoy
Located in
Could not open "%s " module
No se pudo abrir el módulo «%s »
Translated by
Ricardo Pérez López
Reviewed by
Rudy Godoy
In upstream: |
No se pudo abrir el módulo «%s ».
Suggested by
Rudy Godoy
Located in
../panel/panel-item-manager.c:363 ../panel/panel-item-manager.c:371
Exit Xfce Panel?
¿Salir del panel de Xfce?
Translated and reviewed by
Ricardo Pérez López
In upstream: |
¿Salir del Panel de Xfce?
Suggested by
Rudy Godoy
Located in
../panel/panel-app.c:241 ../panel/panel-app.c:736
The selected panel and all its items will be removed.
Se eliminará el panel seleccionado y todos sus elementos.
Translated by
Ricardo Pérez López
Reviewed by
Rudy Godoy
In upstream: |
Se eliminará el panel elegido y todos sus elementos.
Suggested by
Rudy Godoy
Located in
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated and reviewed by
Ricardo Pérez López
In upstream: |
Suggested by
Rudy Godoy
Located in
-h, --help Show this message and exit
-v, --version Show this message and exit
-c, --customize Show configuration dialog
-s, --save Save configuration
-r, --restart Restart panels
-q, --quit End the session
-x, --exit Close all panels and end the program
-a, --add Add new items
Only translate the descriptions, not the options itself
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
-h, --help Muestra este mensaje y finaliza
-v, --version Muestra este mensaje y finaliza
-c. --customize Muestra diálogo de configuración
-s, --save Guarda la configuración
-r, --restart Reinicia paneles
-q, --quit Finaliza la sesión
-x, --exit Cierra los paneles y finaliza el progama
-a, --add Añade nuevos elementos
Translated and reviewed by
Daniel Fuertes Pérez (DaniFP)
In upstream: |
-h, --help Muestra este mensaje y finaliza
-v, --version Muestra este mensaje y finaliza
-c. --customize Muestra diálogo de configuración
-s, --save Guarda configuración de panel
-r, --restart Reinicia paneles
-q, --quit Finaliza la sesión
-x, --exit Finaliza los paneles
-a, --add Añade nuevos elementos
Suggested by
Rudy Godoy
Located in