Translations by James Thorrold
James Thorrold has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 14 of 14 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
5. |
Assistive technologies
2019-02-28 |
Assistive technologies
2011-03-22 |
Assistive technologies
6. |
Language support
2019-02-28 |
Language support
2011-03-22 |
Language support
9. |
Included software
2019-02-28 |
Included software
2011-03-22 |
Included software
10. |
Firefox web browser
2019-02-28 |
Firefox web browser
2011-03-22 |
Firefox web browser
11. |
Supported software
2019-02-28 |
Supported software
2011-03-22 |
Supported software
12. |
2019-02-28 |
2011-03-22 |
28. |
Shotwell Photo Manager
2011-03-22 |
Shotwell Photo Manager
30. |
Pitivi Video Editor
2011-03-22 |
PiTiVi Video Editor