Browsing Finnish translation

Don't show this notice anymore
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7180 of 88 results
Enable showing the banner message
Näytä tervehdysviesti
Translated by Ilkka Tuohela
Located in data/org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.xml:71
Set to true to show the banner message text.
Aseta todeksi, jos haluat näyttää tervehdysviestin.
Translated by Ilkka Tuohela
Located in data/org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.xml:74
Banner message text
Tervehdysviestin teksti
Translated by Ilkka Tuohela
Located in data/org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.xml:89
Text banner message to show in the login window.
Kirjautumisikkunassa näytettävä tervehdysteksti.
Translated by Jiri Grönroos
Located in data/org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.xml:92
Disable showing the restart buttons
Älä näytä uudelleenkäynnistyspainikkeita
Translated by Ilkka Tuohela
Located in data/org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.xml:107
Set to true to disable showing the restart buttons in the login window.
Aseta todeksi, jos et halua näyttää uudelleenkäynnistyspainikkeita kirjautumisikkunassa.
Translated by Jiri Grönroos
Located in data/org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.xml:110
Number of allowed authentication failures
Tunnistautumisvirheiden sallittu määrä
Translated by Jiri Grönroos
Located in data/org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.xml:116
The number of times a user is allowed to attempt authentication, before giving up and going back to user selection.
Käyttäjän sallittujen tunnistautumisyritysten lukumäärä, ennen kuin palataan käyttäjävalintaan.
Translated by Jiri Grönroos
Located in data/org.gnome.login-screen.gschema.xml:119
Unable to create transient display:
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Tilapäisnäytön käynnistys epäonnistui:
Translated by Jiri Grönroos
Located in common/gdm-common.c:346
Unable to activate session:
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Istunnon aktivointi epäonnistui:
Translated by Jiri Grönroos
Located in libgdm/gdm-user-switching.c:90
7180 of 88 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Finnish Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Ilkka Tuohela, Jiri Grönroos, Timo Jyrinki.