Translations by Jonathan Carter

Jonathan Carter has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
Edubuntu live desktop translations.
Edubuntu Live vertaalings.
The live session doesn't include the translations for your language by default. These can be installed from the installation media now so you can try Edubuntu in your language. However, this will use up to 150MB of RAM and can be a problem on low memory systems. Do you want to install these extra translations?
Hierdie sessie bevat nie die Afrikaanse vertalings nie. Dit kan alhoewel ge-installeer word vanaf die Edubuntu media. Let wel dat dit tot 150MB RAM kan gebruik wat 'n probleem mag wees vir rekenaars met 'n lae geheue. Wil jy die Afrikaanse taalpakette installeer?