Translations by Tao Mon Lae
Tao Mon Lae has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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39. |
The update information is outdated. This may be caused by network problems or by a repository that is no longer available. Please update manually by selecting 'Show updates' from the indicator menu, and watching for any failing repositories.
2021-08-03 |
တၚ်နၚ်ဏံဂှ် တြေံအာရ။ ညအ်ဂှ်ဟိုတ်နူကဵု ပြသၞာ နိတ်ဝံက် ဒှ်နူ ရဳပဝ်သေတ်ထရဳ ကၠေံအာတံ ဒှ်မာန်ရ။ ရုဲစှ် 'ထ္ၜး တၚ်သၠုၚ်ပ္တိုန်' နူ ကဵု မဳနျူ ကေုာံ တုဲ သၠုၚ်ပ္တိုန်ကေတ်တ်ညိ။ တုဲမ္ဂးမၚ်ဗဵု ရဳပဝ်သေတ်ထရဳ ဟွံအံၚ်ဇၞးတံညိ။
40. |
An error occurred, please run Package Manager from the right-click menu or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong.
The error message was: '%s'.
2021-08-03 |
ပြသၞာမံက်ကၠုၚ်ရ၊ ပံက် Package Manager နူ right-click မဳနျူ ဟွံသေၚ်မ္ဂး apt-get ပ္ဍဲ terminal ဂွံဆဵု မုဗၠေတ်မံၚ်တံရ။
ပြသၞာဝွံ '%s' ရ။
41. |
An error occurred, please run Package Manager from the right-click menu or apt-get in a terminal to see what is wrong.
2021-08-03 |
ပြသၞာမံက်ကၠုၚ်ရ၊ ပံက် Package Manager နူ right-click မဳနျူ ဟွံသေၚ်မ္ဂး apt-get ပ္ဍဲ terminal ဂွံဆဵု မုဗၠေတ်မံၚ်တံညိ။
42. |
This usually means that your installed packages have unmet dependencies
2021-08-03 |
ညအ်ဂှ်ဒှ်ဟိုတ် ကဠာပ္တိုန်စုတ်လဝ်တံ ဟွံဍိုက်ပေၚ်ကု ကပေါတ်ဗဒ ဗ္ဒါဲတံရ
43. |
A problem occurred when checking for the updates.
2021-08-03 |
အဃောကေတ်မံၚ်တၚ်နၚ်တၟိတၟိဂှ် ပြသၞာက္တဵုဒှ်ကၠုၚ်ရ
44. |
- inform about updates
2021-08-03 |
- လဴထ္ၜး ပရူတၚ်နၚ်တၟိတၟိ
45. |
Failed to init the UI: %s
2021-08-03 |
သ္ပပတံ UI ဟွံအံၚ်ဇၞး: %s
46. |
unknown error
2021-08-03 |
47. |
2021-08-03 |
48. |
<span weight="bold" size="larger">Update information</span>
2021-08-03 |
<span weight="bold" size="larger">တၚ်နၚ်တၟိတၟိ</span>
49. |
Authentication is needed to upgrade
2021-08-03 |
ဂွံသၠုၚ်ပ္တိုန်တၟိတၟိဂှ် ဒးကေတ်အခေါၚ်
50. |
Authentication is needed to query package system lock status
2021-08-03 |
ဂွံကေတ်ကဠ စက်ကၟာတ်လဝ်တံဂှ် ဒးကေတ်အခေါၚ်
51. |
Update Notifier
2021-08-03 |
စက်ထ္ၜး တၚ်နၚ်တၟိ
52. |
Check for available updates automatically
2021-08-03 |
53. |
Failure to download extra data files
2021-08-03 |
ဂြဲဖျေံတၚ်နၚ်ဖှါၚ်ဒေတာတၞဟ်ဟ် ဟွံအံၚ်ဇၞး
54. |
The following packages requested additional data downloads after package installation, but the data could not be downloaded or could not be processed.
2021-08-03 |
ကဠာသၟဝ်ပ္တိုန်စုတ်တုဲတံဏံ အာတ်မိက် ဂွံဂြဲဖျေံဒေတာတၞဟ်ဟ် ဆ္ဂး ဒေတာ တံဂှ်ဂြဲဖျေံဟွံဂွံ ဟွံသေၚ်မ္ဂး ဆက်အာဟွံဂွံဒှ်မာန်ရ။
55. |
2021-08-03 |
56. |
The download will be attempted again later, or you can try the download again now. Running this command requires an active Internet connection.
2021-08-03 |
တုဲမ္ဂး ကလေၚ်ဂြဲဖျေံဏောၚ် ဟွံသေၚ်မ္ဂး မၞးဂြဲဖျေံစမ်ရံၚ်လၟုဟ်လေဝ်ဂွံရ။ ဂွံသုၚ်စောဲအမိၚ်ဏံဂှ် မၞးဒးကေတ် အေန်တာနိတ်ရ။
57. |
Data files for some packages could not be downloaded
2021-08-03 |
ဖှါၚ်ဒေတာသွက် ကဠာတံဏံဂှ် ဂြဲဖျေံဟွံဂွံ
58. |
This is a permanent failure that leaves these packages unusable on your system. You may need to fix your Internet connection, then remove and reinstall the packages to fix this problem.
2021-08-03 |
ညအ်ဂှ်ဒှ် တၚ်နၚ်ဟွံအံၚ်ဇၞး ညံၚ်ကပေါတ်ကဠာပ္ဍဲစက်မၞးတံ သုၚ်စောဲဟွံဂွံရ။ မၞးဒးပလေဝ် အေန်တာနိတ်ရောၚ် တုဲ မ္ဂး ပ္တိတ်တုဲ ကလေၚ်စုတ် ကဠာတံပၠန်မ္ဂး ပြသၞာတံသောၚ်အာမာန်ရ။