Translations by Bernard Stafford

Bernard Stafford has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
The update information is outdated. This may be caused by network problems or by a repository that is no longer available. Please update manually by selecting 'Show updates' from the indicator menu, and watching for any failing repositories.
Die opdatering sinligting is verouderd. Dit kan dalk veroorsaak word deur netwerk probleme of deur 'n bewaarplek wat nie meer beskikbaar is nie. Werk asseblief handmatig by deur 'Wys bywerkings' uit die aanwyser kieslys te kies, en kyk Vir enige versuim repositories.
Authentication is needed to upgrade
Outentisering is benodig te opgrader
Authentication is needed to query package system lock status
Outentisering word vereis om die pakket stelsel sluitstatus te navraag