Translations by Dražen Matešić

Dražen Matešić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

117 of 17 results
<a href="" class="caption">Google+ Community</a>
<a href="" class="caption">Skupnost Google+</a>
Eye of MATE Image Viewer
Pregledovalnik slik Eye of MATE
A community developed Ubuntu based operating system that beautifully integrates the MATE desktop.
S skupnostjo razvit, na Ubuntuju temelječ operacijski sistem, ki je čudovito vključen v namizje MATE.
Ubuntu MATE Welcome greets and assists new and returning users. The <strong>Getting Started</strong> wizard will guide you through the first boot post-installation setup and configuration of additional peripherals and devices and the documentation will help orientate new users. The <strong>Systems Specifications</strong> section will help you explore your hardware and offers one-click install and launch of many useful system monitoring tools. When you need support Ubuntu MATE Welcome is the jumping off point to the community.
Ubuntu MATE Welcome pozdravi in pomaga novim in obstoječim uporabnikom. Čarovnik <strong>Kako začeti</strong> vas bo vodil po namestitvi in nastavitvi dodatnih zunanjih naprav in ostalih naprav, medtem ko bo dokumentacija pomagala usmeriti nove uporabnike. Odsek <strong>Sistemska določila</strong> bo pomagal raziskati vašo strojno opremo in omogočil namestitev in zagon številnih uporabnih orodij za spremljanje sistema z enim klikom. Ko potrebujete pomoč je Ubuntu MATE Welcome odskočni korak k skupnosti.
Ubuntu MATE Welcome pozdravi in pomaga novim in obstoječim uporabnikom. Čarovnik vas <strong>Kako začeti</strong> bo vodil po namestitvi in nastavitvi dodatnih zunanjih naprav in ostalih naprav, medtem ko bo dokumentacija pomagala usmeriti nove uporabnike. Odsek <strong>Sistemska določila</strong> bo pomagal raziskati vašo strojno opremo in omogočil namestitev in zagon številnih uporabnih orodij za spremljanje sistema z enim klikom. Ko potrebujete pomoč je Ubuntu MATE Welcome odskočni korak k skupnosti.
Supported software
Podprti programi
Ubuntu MATE comes with the amazing Rhythmbox music player. With advanced playback options, it's simple to queue up the perfect songs. And it works great with CDs and portable music players, so you can enjoy all your music wherever you go. If you prefer streaming services you'll find <strong>Spotify</strong> and <strong>Nuvola Player</strong>, which supports many popular streaming services, in the <strong>Software Boutique</strong>
Ubuntu MATE vključuje odličen predvajalnik glasbe Rhythmbox. Z naprednimi možnostmi predvajanja vaših najljubših skladb. Odlično deluje tudi s CD-ji in prenosnimi glasbenimi predvajalniki, tako da lahko uživate v vaši glasbi kamorkoli greste. V <strong>Trgovini programov</strong> najdete tudi programa za pretočne storitve <strong>Spotify</strong> in <strong>Nuvola Player</strong>.
Shotwell is a handy photo manager that is ready for your gadgets. Connect a camera or a phone to transfer your photos, then it's easy to share them and keep them safe. For the digital photography enthusiasts and professionals the Software Boutique includes <strong>Darktable</strong> and <strong>Luminance HDR</strong> that offer virtual lightable and darkroom for RAW and HDR image workflows.
Shotwell je priročen upravljalnik fotografij, ki je pripravljen za vaše pripomočke. Povežite fotoaparat ali telefon za prenos fotografij in jih preprosto delite na spletu ter jih shranite na varno. Ljubitelji digitalne fotografije in profesionalci pa bodo v Trgovini programov našli <strong>Darktable</strong> in <strong>Luminance HDR</strong>, ki ponujajo virtualno svetlobno mizo in temnico za RAW in HDR slikovne poteke dela.
Grab some popcorn!
Zgrabite pokovko!
Ubuntu MATE comes with <strong>Firefox</strong> pre-installed and <strong>Google Chrome</strong> is in the Software Boutique so you can watch content from your favourite streaming services such as <strong>Netflix</strong> and <strong>YouTube</strong>.
Ubuntu MATE ima prednameščen brskalnik<strong>Firefox</strong> in<strong>Google Chrome</strong>, ki ga najdete v Trgovini programov, tako da lahko gledate vaše priljubljene pretočne storitve, kot so <strong>Netflix</strong> in <strong>YouTube</strong>.
With <strong>VLC</strong> installed by default you can watch all you local video with ease and <strong>Emby</strong> media server is one-click away from the Software Boutique to create your own streaming server.
S prednameščenim predvajalnikom <strong>VLC</strong> lahko z lahkoto gledate vse vaše krajevne video vsebine. V trgovini programov je <strong>Emby</strong>, medijski strežnik samo en klik vstran, da si ustvarite svoj multimedijski strežnik.
S prednameščenim predvajalnikom <strong>VLC</strong> lahko z lahkoto gledate vse vaše lokalne video vsebine. V trgovini programov je<strong>Emby</strong, medijski strežnik samo en klik vstran, da si ustvarite svoj multimedijski strežnik.
LibreOffice is a free office suite packed with everything you need to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Compatible with Microsoft Office file formats, it gives you all the features you need, without the price tag.
LibreOffice je pisarniški paket, ki vsebuje vse kar potrebujete za izdelavo dokumentov, preglednic in predstavitev. Združljiv z Microsoft Office vrstami datotek, kar vam daje vse zmožnosti, ki jih potrebujete, brez plačila programa.
Discussion & Support
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