Translations by Damir Jerovšek

Damir Jerovšek has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

18 of 8 results
This is perhaps a bug of this application. Please file a bug report at
To je morda hrošč tega programa. Oddajte poročilo o hrošču na
Usually this is related to an error in your software archive or software manager. Check your preferences in Software Sources (click the icon at the very right of the top bar and select "System Settings... -> Software Sources").
Običajno je to povezano z napako v programskem arhivu ali upravljalniku programov. Preverite svoje nastavitve v Programskih virih (kliknite na ikono skrajno desno v vrhnji vrstici in izberite "Nastavitve Sistema ... -> Programski viri").
<big><b>Checking available language support</b></big> The availability of translations or writing aids can differ between languages.
<big><b>Preverjanje razpoložljive jezikovne podpore</b></big> Razpoložljivost prevodov in pripomočkov za pisanje se lahko med jeziki razlikuje.
This setting only affects the language your desktop and applications are displayed in. It does not set the system environment, like currency or date format settings. For that, use the settings in the Regional Formats tab. The order of the values displayed here decides which translations to use for your desktop. If translations for the first language are not available, the next one in this list will be tried. The last entry of this list is always "English". Every entry below "English" will be ignored.
Ta nastavitev vpliva na jezik, v katerem je prikazano vaše namizje in programi. Ne nastavi sistemskega okolja, kot so nastavitve enota ali oblike datuma. Za to uporabite nastavitve v zavihku področne oblike. Vrstni red vrednosti prikazanih tukaj določi, kateri prevodi bodo uporabljeni za vaše namizje. V primeru, da prevodi za prvi jezik niso na voljo, bo uporabljen naslednji na tem seznamu. Zadnji vnos na seznamu je vedno "Angleščina". Vsi vnosi pod "Angleščino" bodo prezrti.
If you need to type in languages, which require more complex input methods than just a simple key to letter mapping, you may want to enable this function. For example, you will need this function for typing Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese. The recommended value for Ubuntu is "IBus". If you want to use alternative input method systems, install the corresponding packages first and then choose the desired system here.
Če želite pisati v jezikih, ki zahtevajo zapletenejše načine vnosa od preproste tipke do preslikave črke, boste morda želeli omogočiti to funkcijo. To funkcijo boste na primer potrebovali za tipkanje v kitajščini, japonščini, korejščini ali vietnamščini. Priporočljiva vrednost za Ubuntu je "IBus". Če bi želeli uporabiti nadomestne sisteme za načine vnosa, najprej namestite ustrezne pakete, nato pa tukaj izberite željen sistem.
This will set the system environment like shown below and will also affect the preferred paper format and other region specific settings. If you want to display the desktop in a different language than this, please select it in the "Language" tab. Hence you should set this to a sensible value for the region in which you are located.
To bo nastavilo sistemsko okolje, kot je prikazano spodaj in bo vplivalo na prednostno obliko papirja in druge nastavitve za vaše področje. V primeru, da želite namizje prikazati v drugačnem jeziku, ga izberite v zavihku "Jezik". To nastavite na smiselno vrednost za področje, kjer se nahajate.
The language support files for your selected language seem to be incomplete. You can install the missing components by clicking on "Run this action now" and follow the instructions. An active internet connection is required. If you would like to do this at a later time, please use Language Support instead (click the icon at the very right of the top bar and select "System Settings... -> Language Support").
Videti je, da so datoteke jezikovne podpore za vaš jezik nepopolne. Manjkajoče sestavne dele lahko namestite s klikom na "Zaženi to dejanje zdaj" in sledenjem navodilom. Zahtevana je dejavna internetna povezava. Če želite to storiti kasneje, uporabite Jezikovno podporo (kliknite na ikono skrajno desno v zgornji vrstici in izberite "Nastavitve sistema ... -> Jezikovna Podpora").
The new language settings will take effect once you have logged out.
Nove jezikovne nastavitve bodo začele veljati, ko se boste odjavili.