Translations by Saik Chan
Saik Chan has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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78. |
Send problem report to the developers?
2019-11-12 |
ပြဿနာဂမၠိုၚ်ဝွံ ပလံၚ်ပစိုပ်ကဵု developers ဏောဝ်
113. |
Show Details
2019-11-12 |
150. |
Sorry, the application %s has stopped unexpectedly.
2019-11-12 |
အောန်စိုတ်ကွေံရ၊ သပ်ဝဴ %s ဝွံ ဒေါံအာယျ
151. |
Sorry, %s has closed unexpectedly.
2019-11-12 |
အောန်စိုတ်ကွေံရ၊ %s ဝွံ ကၟာတ်အာယျ
152. |
Sorry, %s has experienced an internal error.
2019-11-12 |
အောန်စိုတ်ကွေံရ၊ %s ဝွံ ဒှ်မံၚ်ပြဿနာလ္ပာ်ပ္ဍဲ
153. |
2019-11-12 |
156. |
The application %s has stopped responding.
2019-11-12 |
သပ်ဝဴ %s ဝွံ ခက်ခုဲဒေါံအာယျ
160. |
The application %s has experienced an internal error.
2019-11-12 |
သပ်ဝဴ %sဝွံ ဒှ်မံၚ်ပြဿနာပ္ဍဲစက်
174. |
Destination directory exists and is not empty.
2019-11-12 |
ဂၠံၚ်ဍာန်ဒၞါဲဂှ်တိတ်အာတုဲလေဝ် သှေ်ၜက်မံၚ်ဏီ