Translations by Alem Kožljak

Alem Kožljak has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 254 results
%d. IPv4 address has invalid label '%s'
%d. IPv4 adresa ima neispravnu oznaku '%s'
IPv4 address / label count mismatch (%d vs %d)
IPv4 adresa / oznaka nije usklađena (%d vs %d)
property is empty'
svojstvo je prazno'
'%s' is ambiguous (on x off)
'%s' je dvosmislen (on x off)
Enter a list of three channels (comma or space separated). Example: 0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22
Unesi listu od tri kanala (razdvojenih zarezom ili razmakom). Primjer: 0.0.0e20 0.0.0e21 0.0.0e22
Enter a list of IPv6 addresses formatted as: ip[/prefix] [gateway], ip[/prefix] [gateway],... Missing prefix is regarded as prefix of 128. Example: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1, 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b
Unesite listu IPv6 adresa formatiranih kao: ip[/prefix] [gateway], ip[/prefix] [gateway],... Nedostajući prefiks se tretira kao prefiks od 128. Primjer: 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4/64 2607:f0d0:1002:51::1, 1050:0:0:0:5:600:300c:326b
Enter a list of IPv4 addresses formatted as: ip[/prefix] [gateway], ip[/prefix] [gateway],... Missing prefix is regarded as prefix of 32. Example:,
Unesi listu IPv4 adresa formatiranih kao: ip[/prefix] [gateway], ip[/prefix] [gateway],... Nedostajući prefiks se tretira kao prefiks od 32. Primjer:,
nmcli [<conf-option> <value>] :: nmcli configuration Configures nmcli. The following options are available: status-line yes | no [default: no] save-confirmation yes | no [default: yes] prompt-color <0-8> [default: 0] 0 = normal 1 = black 2 = red 3 = green 4 = yellow 5 = blue 6 = magenta 7 = cyan 8 = white Examples: nmcli> nmcli status-line yes nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3
nmcli [<conf-option> <value>] :: nmcli kofiguracija Konfigurira nmcli. Slijedeće opcije su dostupne: status-line yes | no [default: no] save-confirmation yes | no [default: yes] prompt-color <0-8> [default: 0] 0 = normal 1 = black 2 = red 3 = green 4 = yellow 5 = blue 6 = magenta 7 = cyan 8 = white Primjeri: nmcli> nmcli status-line yes nmcli> nmcli save-confirmation no nmcli> nmcli prompt-color 3
'%s' not allowed for %s=%s
'%s' nije dozvoljeno za %s=%s
'%s' doesn't match the virtual interface name '%s'
'%s' se ne podudara sa virtualnim imenom sučelja '%s'
IPv6 configuration is not allowed for slave
IPv6 konfiguracija nije dozvoljena za slave
IPv4 configuration is not allowed for slave
IPv4 konfiguracija nije dozvoljena za slave
'%s' is not a valid powersave value
'%s' nije ispravna powersave vrijednost
'%s' is not valid; 3 strings should be provided
'%s' nije ispravan; 3 stringa bi trebala biti navedena
'%s' is not valid (use ip[/prefix] [gateway])
'%s' nije ispravan (koristite ip[/prefix] [gateway])
Enter path to a private key and the key password (if not set yet): <file path> [<password>] Example: /home/cimrman/jara-priv-key Dardanely
Unesi stazu za privatni ključ i ključnu lozinku (ako još nije postavljena): <file path> [<password>] Primjer: /home/cimrman/jara-priv-key Dardaneli
'%u' is not valid; use <%d-%d>
'%u' nije ispravan; koristite <%d-%d>
Error: nmcli terminated by signal %d.
Greška: nmcli prekinut signalom %d.
Error: failed to set hostname: (%d) %s
Greška: neuspješno postavljanje host imena: (%d) %s
Error: access denied to set logging; %s
Greška: odbijen pristup za podešavanje prijavljivanja; %s
Error: 'device wimax' command '%s' is not valid.
Greška: 'device wimax' komanda '%s' nije ispravna.
Usage: nmcli device { COMMAND | help } COMMAND := { status | show | connect | disconnect | wifi | wimax } COMMAND := { status | show | connect | disconnect | wifi } status show [<ifname>] connect <ifname> disconnect <ifname> wifi [list [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>]] wifi connect <(B)SSID> [password <password>] [wep-key-type key|phrase] [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>] [name <name>] [private yes|no] wifi rescan [[ifname] <ifname>] wimax [list [ifname <ifname>] [nsp <name>]]
Upotreba: nmcli uređaj { COMMAND | pomoć } COMMAND := { status | prikaži | konektuj | diskonektuj | wifi | wimax } COMMAND := { status | prikaži | konektuj | diskonektuj | wifi } status prikaži [<ifname>] konektuj <ifname> diskonektuj <ifname> wifi [list [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>]] wifi konektovanje <(B)SSID> [password <password>] [wep-key-type key|phrase] [ifname <ifname>] [bssid <BSSID>] [name <name>] [private yes|no] wifi reskeniranje [[ifname] <ifname>] wimax [list [ifname <ifname>] [nsp <name>]]
Error: Failed to modify connection '%s': (%d) %s
Greška: Neuspješna izmjena konekcije '%s': (%d) %s
Error: bad color number: '%s'; use <0-8>
Greška: pogrešan broj boje: '%s'; koristi <0-8>
Error: Failed to activate '%s' (%s) connection: (%d) %s
Greška: Neuspješno aktivirana '%s' (%s) konekcija: (%d) %s
Error: Failed to save '%s' (%s) connection: (%d) %s
Greška: Neuspješno snimanje '%s' (%s) konekcije: (%d) %s
---[ Main menu ]--- goto [<setting> | <prop>] :: go to a setting or property remove <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop> :: remove setting or reset property value set [<setting>.<prop> <value>] :: set property value describe [<setting>.<prop>] :: describe property print [all | <setting>[.<prop>]] :: print the connection verify [all] :: verify the connection save [persistent|temporary] :: save the connection activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>] :: activate the connection back :: go one level up (back) help/? [<command>] :: print this help nmcli <conf-option> <value> :: nmcli configuration quit :: exit nmcli
---[ Main menu ]--- goto [<setting> | <prop>] :: idi u postavke ili osobine remove <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop> :: ukloni postavku ili poništi vrijednost osobine set [<setting>.<prop> <value>] :: postavi vrijednost osobine describe [<setting>.<prop>] :: opiši osobinu print [all | <setting>[.<prop>]] :: štampaj konekciju verify [all] :: potvrdi konekciju save [persistent|temporary] :: spasi konekciju activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>] :: aktiviraj konekciju back :: idi jedan nivo nazad (nazad) help/? [<command>] :: štampaj pomoć nmcli <conf-option> <value> :: nmcli konfiguracija quit :: izlaz iz nmcli
Usage: nmcli connection show { ARGUMENTS | help } ARGUMENTS := [--active] List in-memory and on-disk connection profiles, some of which may also be active if a device is using that connection profile. Without a parameter, all profiles are listed. When --active option is specified, only the active profiles are shown. ARGUMENTS := [--active] [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ... Show details for specified connections. By default, both static configuration and active connection data are displayed. It is possible to filter the output using global '--fields' option. Refer to the manual page for more information. When --active option is specified, only the active profiles are taken into account.
Upotreba: nmcli konekcija prikaz { ARGUMENTI | pomoć } ARGUMENTI := [--active] Lista u-memoriji i na-disku profila konekcija, neki od njih mogu također biti aktivni ako uređaj koristi taj profil konekcije. Bez parametra, svi profili su izlistani. Kad je --active opcija specificirana, samo aktivni profili su prikazani. ARGUMENTI := [--active] [id | uuid | path | apath] <ID> ... Prikaži detalje za specifične konekcije. Početno zadano, obje statičke konfiguracije i aktivne konekcije podataka su prikazane. Moguće je filtrirati izlaz koristeći globalne '--fields' opcije. Pogledajte stranice za uputstvo za više informacija. Kad je --active opcija specificirana, samo aktivni profili su prikazani.
Usage: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTS | help } ARGUMENTS := [id | uuid | path] <ID> [ifname <ifname>] [ap <BSSID>] [nsp <name>] Activate a connection on a device. The profile to activate is identified by its name, UUID or D-Bus path. ARGUMENTS := ifname <ifname> [ap <BSSID>] [nsp <name>] Activate a device with a connection. The connection profile is selected automatically by NetworkManager. ifname - specifies the device to active the connection on ap - specifies AP to connect to (only valid for Wi-Fi) nsp - specifies NSP to connect to (only valid for WiMAX)
Upotreba: nmcli connection up { ARGUMENTI | pomoć } ARGUMENTI := [id | uuid | path] <ID> [ifname <ifname>] [ap <BSSID>] [nsp <name>] Aktivira konekciju na uređaju. Profil koji se aktivira je identifikovan svojim imenom, UUID or D-Bus stazom. ARGUMENTI := ifname <ifname> [ap <BSSID>] [nsp <name>] Aktivirajte uređaj sa konekcijom. Menadžer konekcija će automatski odabrati profil konekcije. ifname - određuje uređaj za aktiviranje konekcije ap - određuje AP za konektovanje (važeće samo za Wi-Fi) nsp - određuje NSP za konektovanje (važeće samo za WiMAX)
Usage: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTS | help } ARGUMENTS := COMMON_OPTIONS TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS IP_OPTIONS COMMON_OPTIONS: type <type> ifname <interface name> | "*" [con-name <connection name>] [autoconnect yes|no] [save yes|no] TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS: ethernet: [mac <MAC address>] [cloned-mac <cloned MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] wifi: ssid <SSID> [mac <MAC address>] [cloned-mac <cloned MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] wimax: [mac <MAC address>] [nsp <NSP>] pppoe: username <PPPoE username> [password <PPPoE password>] [service <PPPoE service name>] [mtu <MTU>] [mac <MAC address>] gsm: apn <APN> [user <username>] [password <password>] cdma: [user <username>] [password <password>] infiniband: [mac <MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] [transport-mode datagram | connected] [parent <ifname>] [p-key <IPoIB P_Key>] bluetooth: [addr <bluetooth address>] [bt-type panu|dun-gsm|dun-cdma] vlan: dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)> id <VLAN ID> [flags <VLAN flags>] [ingress <ingress priority mapping>] [egress <egress priority mapping>] [mtu <MTU>] bond: [mode balance-rr (0) | active-backup (1) | balance-xor (2) | broadcast (3) | 802.3ad (4) | balance-tlb (5) | balance-alb (6)] [primary <ifname>] [miimon <num>] [downdelay <num>] [updelay <num>] [arp-interval <num>] [arp-ip-target <num>] bond-slave: master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)> team: [config <file>|<raw JSON data>] team-slave: master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)> [config <file>|<raw JSON data>] bridge: [stp yes|no] [priority <num>] [forward-delay <2-30>] [hello-time <1-10>] [max-age <6-40>] [ageing-time <0-1000000>] [mac <MAC address>] bridge-slave: master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)> [priority <0-63>] [path-cost <1-65535>] [hairpin yes|no] vpn: vpn-type vpnc|openvpn|pptp|openconnect|openswan|libreswan|ssh|l2tp|iodine|... [user <username>] olpc-mesh: ssid <SSID> [channel <1-13>] [dhcp-anycast <MAC address>] IP_OPTIONS: [ip4 <IPv4 address>] [gw4 <IPv4 gateway>] [ip6 <IPv6 address>] [gw6 <IPv6 gateway>]
Upotreba: nmcli connection add { ARGUMENTI | help } ARGUMENTI := COMMON_OPTIONS TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS IP_OPTIONS COMMON_OPTIONS: type <type> ifname <interface name> | "*" [con-name <connection name>] [autoconnect yes|no] [save yes|no] TYPE_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS: ethernet: [mac <MAC address>] [cloned-mac <cloned MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] wifi: ssid <SSID> [mac <MAC address>] [cloned-mac <cloned MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] wimax: [mac <MAC address>] [nsp <NSP>] pppoe: username <PPPoE username> [password <PPPoE password>] [service <PPPoE service name>] [mtu <MTU>] [mac <MAC address>] gsm: apn <APN> [user <username>] [password <password>] cdma: [user <username>] [password <password>] infiniband: [mac <MAC address>] [mtu <MTU>] [transport-mode datagram | connected] [parent <ifname>] [p-key <IPoIB P_Key>] bluetooth: [addr <bluetooth address>] [bt-type panu|dun-gsm|dun-cdma] vlan: dev <parent device (connection UUID, ifname, or MAC)> id <VLAN ID> [flags <VLAN flags>] [ingress <ingress priority mapping>] [egress <egress priority mapping>] [mtu <MTU>] bond: [mode balance-rr (0) | active-backup (1) | balance-xor (2) | broadcast (3) | 802.3ad (4) | balance-tlb (5) | balance-alb (6)] [primary <ifname>] [miimon <num>] [downdelay <num>] [updelay <num>] [arp-interval <num>] [arp-ip-target <num>] bond-slave: master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)> team: [config <file>|<raw JSON data>] team-slave: master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)> [config <file>|<raw JSON data>] bridge: [stp yes|no] [priority <num>] [forward-delay <2-30>] [hello-time <1-10>] [max-age <6-40>] [ageing-time <0-1000000>] [mac <MAC address>] bridge-slave: master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or name)> [priority <0-63>] [path-cost <1-65535>] [hairpin yes|no] vpn: vpn-type vpnc|openvpn|pptp|openconnect|openswan|libreswan|ssh|l2tp|iodine|... [user <username>] olpc-mesh: ssid <SSID> [channel <1-13>] [dhcp-anycast <MAC address>] IP_OPTIONS: [ip4 <IPv4 address>] [gw4 <IPv4 gateway>] [ip6 <IPv6 address>] [gw6 <IPv6 gateway>]
Error: 'primary': '%s' is not a valid interface name.
Greška: 'primary': '%s' nije važeće ime sučelja.
Error: invalid <setting>.<property> '%s'.
Error: neispravan <setting>.<property> '%s'.
Error: invalid or not allowed setting '%s': %s.
Greška: Neispravna ili nedopuštena postavka '%s': %s.
Error: invalid property '%s': %s.
Greška: nevažeća osobina '%s': %s.
Error: failed to modify %s.%s: %s.
Greška: neuspješna modifikacija %s.%s: %s.
goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop> :: enter setting/property for editing This command enters into a setting or property for editing it. Examples: nmcli> goto connection nmcli connection> goto secondaries nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses
goto <setting>[.<prop>] | <prop> :: uđi u postavke/osobine za izmjene Ova komanda ulazi u postavke ili osobine za njenu izmjenu. Primjeri: nmcli> goto connection nmcli connection> goto secondaries nmcli> goto ipv4.addresses
remove <setting>[.<prop>] :: remove setting or reset property value This command removes an entire setting from the connection, or if a property is given, resets that property to the default value. Examples: nmcli> remove wifi-sec nmcli> remove eth.mtu
remove <setting>[.<prop>] :: uklanja postavku ili resetuje vrijednost osobine Ova komanda uklanja cijelu postavku s konekcije, ili ako je osobina data, poništava tu osobinu na početnu vrijednost. Primjeri: nmcli> remove wifi-sec nmcli> remove eth.mtu
set [<setting>.<prop> <value>] :: set property value This command sets property value. Example: nmcli> set My connection
set [<setting>.<prop> <value>] :: postavi vrijednost osobine Ova komanda postavlja vrijednost osobine. Primjer: nmcli> set My connection
describe [<setting>.<prop>] :: describe property Shows property description. You can consult nm-settings(5) manual page to see all NM settings and properties.
describe [<setting>.<prop>] :: opiši osobinu Prikazuje opis osobine. Možete konsultirati nm-settings(5) stranicu uputstva da vidite sve NM postavke i osobine.
print [all] :: print setting or connection values Shows current property or the whole connection. Example: nmcli ipv4> print all
print [all] :: štampaj postavku ili vrijednost konekcije Prikazuje trenutnu osobinu ili cijelu konekciju. Primjer: nmcli ipv4> štampaj sve
save [persistent|temporary] :: save the connection Sends the connection profile to NetworkManager that either will save it persistently, or will only keep it in memory. 'save' without an argument means 'save persistent'. Note that once you save the profile persistently those settings are saved across reboot or restart. Subsequent changes can also be temporary or persistent, but any temporary changes will not persist across reboot or restart. If you want to fully remove the persistent connection, the connection profile must be deleted.
Snimi [persistent|temporary] :: snimi konekciju Šalje profil konekcije Menadžeru Konekcija koji će je ili trajno snimiti, ili će je ostaviti u memoriji. 'save' bez argumeneta znači 'save persistent'. Imajte na umu da kad jednom trajno sačuvate profil te postavke su sačuvane i poslije ponovnog paljenja ili pokretanja. Sljedeće izmjene također mogu biti privremene ili trajne, ali bilo koje privremene izmjene neće ustrajati prilikom ponovnog paljenja ili pokretanja. Ako želite da potpuno obrišete trajnu konekciju, profil konekcije mora biti obrisan.
activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>] :: activate the connection Activates the connection. Available options: <ifname> - device the connection will be activated on /<ap>|<nsp> - AP (Wi-Fi) or NSP (WiMAX) (prepend with / when <ifname> is not specified)
activate [<ifname>] [/<ap>|<nsp>] :: aktiviraj konekciju Aktivira konekciju. Dostupne opcije: <ifname> - uređaj na kojem će biti aktivirana konekcija /<ap>|<nsp> - AP (Wi-Fi) ili NSP (WiMAX) (prepend with / when <ifname> is not specified)
remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>] :: delete the value Removes the property value. For single-valued properties, this sets the property back to its default value. For container-type properties, this removes all the values of that property, or you can specify an argument to remove just a single item or option. The argument is either a value or index of the item to remove, or an option name (for properties with named options). Examples: nmcli ipv4.dns> remove nmcli ipv4.dns> remove 2 nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay
remove [<value>|<index>|<option name>] :: izbriši vrijednost Briše vrijednost osobine. Za osobine za jednom vrijednošću, ovo postavlja osobinu nazad na početnu vrijednost. Za kontejnerski tip osobina, ovo uklanja sve vrijednosti te osobine, ili možete navesti argument da uklonite samo jednu stavku ili opciju. Argument je ili vrijednost ili indeks stavke koja se uklanja, ili ime opcije (za osobine sa imenovanim opcijama). Primjeri: nmcli ipv4.dns> remove nmcli ipv4.dns> remove 2 nmcli bond.options> remove downdelay
Error: '%s' setting not present in the connection
Greška: '%s' postavka nije prikazana u konekciji.
, neither a valid setting name
, kao ni ispravno ime podešavanja
Verify setting '%s': %s
Potvrdi postavku '%s': %s
Verify connection: %s
Potvrdi konekciju: %s
Error: connection is not saved. Type 'save' first.
Greška: konekcija nije snimljena. Ukucajte 'save' prvo.