Translations by etali

etali has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

121 of 21 results
\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={dialup connection}, description={A dialup connection is when your computer uses a modem to connect to an \gls{ISP} through your telephone line.}}
\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={dialup connection}, description={A dialup connection is when your computer uses a modem to connect to an \gls{ISP} through your telephone line.}}
\newglossaryentry{Ethernet port}{name={Ethernet port}, description={An Ethernet port is what an Ethernet cable is plugged into when you are using a \gls{wired connection}.}}
\newglossaryentry{Ethernet port}{name={Ethernet port}, description={An Ethernet port is what an Ethernet cable is plugged into when you are using a \gls{wired connection}.}}
\newglossaryentry{GUI}{name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={The \acronym{GUI} (which stands for Graphical User Interface) is a type of user interface that allows humans to interact with the computer using graphics and images rather than just text.}}
newglossaryentry{GUI}{name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={The \acronym{GUI} (which stands for Graphical User Interface) is a type of user interface that allows humans to interact with the computer using graphics and images rather than just text.}}
\newglossaryentry{kernel}{name={kernel}, description={A kernel is the central portion of a Unix-based operating system, responsible for running applications, processes, and providing security for the core components.}}
\newglossaryentry{kernel}{name={kernel}, description={A kernel is the central portion of a Unix-based operating system, responsible for running applications, processes, and providing security for the core components.}}
\newglossaryentry{maximize}{name={\emph{maximize}}, description={When you maximize an application in Ubuntu it will fill the whole desktop, excluding the panels.}}
\newglossaryentry{maximize}{name={\emph{maximize}}, description={When you maximize an application in Ubuntu it will fill the whole desktop, excluding the panels.}}
\newglossaryentry{output}{name={output}, description={The output of a command is any text it displays on the next line after typing a command and pressing enter, \eg, if you type \commandlineapp{pwd} into a terminal and press \keystroke{Enter}, the directory name it displays on the next line is the output.}}
\newglossaryentry{output}{name={output}, description={The output of a command is any text it displays on the next line after typing a command and pressing enter, \eg, if you type \commandlineapp{pwd} into a terminal and press \keystroke{Enter}, the directory name it displays on the next line is the output.}}
\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={panel}, description={A panel is a bar that sits on the edge of your screen. It contains \glspl{applet} which provide useful functions such as running programs, viewing the time, or accessing the main menu.}}
\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={panel}, description={A panel is a bar that sits on the edge of your screen. It contains \glspl{applet} which provide useful functions such as running programs, viewing the time, or accessing the main menu.}}
\newglossaryentry{parameter}{name={parameter}, description={Parameters are special options that you can use with other commands in the terminal to make that command behave differently, this can make a lot of commands far more useful.}}
\newglossaryentry{parameter}{name={parameter}, description={Parameters are special options that you can use with other commands in the terminal to make that command behave differently, this can make a lot of commands far more useful.}}
\newglossaryentry{prompt}{name={prompt}, description={The prompt displays some useful information about your computer, it can be customized to display in different colors as well as being able to display the time, date and current directory as well as almost anything else you like.}}
\newglossaryentry{prompt}{name={prompt}, description={The prompt displays some useful information about your computer, it can be customized to display in different colors as well as being able to display the time, date and current directory as well as almost anything else you like.}}
\newglossaryentry{shell}{name={shell}, description={The \gls{terminal} gives access to the shell, when you type a command into the terminal and press enter the shell takes that command and performs the relevant action.}}
\newglossaryentry{shell}{name={shell}, description={The \gls{terminal} gives access to the shell, when you type a command into the terminal and press enter the shell takes that command and performs the relevant action.}}
\newglossaryentry{Software Center}{name={Software Center}, description={The Software Center is where you can easily manage software installation and removal as well as the ability to manage software installed via Personal Package Archives.}}
\newglossaryentry{Software Center}{name={Software Center}, description={The Software Center is where you can easily manage software installation and removal as well as the ability to manage software installed via Personal Package Archives.}}
\newglossaryentry{Synaptic Package Manager}{name={Synaptic Package Manager}, description={Synaptic Package Manager is a tool that, instead of listing applications (like the Software Center) lists individual packages that can then be installed, removed and fixed.}}
\newglossaryentry{Synaptic Package Manager}{name={Synaptic Package Manager}, description={Synaptic Package Manager is a tool that, instead of listing applications (like the Software Center) lists individual packages that can then be installed, removed and fixed.}}
Welcome to \emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu}, an introductory guide written to help new users get started with Ubuntu.
Welcome to \emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu}, an introductory guide written to help new users get started with Ubuntu.
Ubuntu comes with full commercial support from \gls{Canonical} and hundreds of companies from across the world.
Ubuntu comes with full commercial support from \gls{Canonical} and hundreds of companies from across the world.
What is Linux?
What is Linux?
Website: \url{}
Website: \url{}
\acronym{IRC}: \#ubuntu-manual on \url{}
\acronym{IRC}: \#ubuntu-manual on \url{}
Conventions used in this book
Conventions used in this book
The following typographic conventions are used in this book:
The following typographic conventions are used in this book:
\texttt{Monospaced type} is used for text that you type into the computer, text that the computer outputs (as in a terminal), and keyboard shortcuts.
\texttt{Monospaced type} is used for text that you type into the computer, text that the computer outputs (as in a terminal), and keyboard shortcuts.