Translations by Eric Chen

Eric Chen has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 63 results
\newglossaryentry{notification area}{name={notification area}, description={The notification area is an applet on the panel that provides you with all sorts of information such as volume control, the current song playing in Rhythmbox, your internet connection status and email status.}}
\newglossaryentry{通知區域}{name={通知區域}, description={通知區域是一個包含各種資訊的面板,例如:音量控制,Rhythmbox 正在播放的音樂, 網路連線狀態及信箱狀態等。}}
\newglossaryentry{minimize}{name={minimize}, description={When you minimize an open application, it sits in an applet on a panel. If you click on a minimized applications panel button, it will then be restored to its normal state and allow you to interact with it.}}
\newglossaryentry{minimize}{name={最小化}, description={當您將一個已開啟的程式視窗最小化時,該視窗將會縮小至面板中。若在面板中點選該縮小視窗,則最小化的視窗將會還原為原本大小,讓您能繼續使用此程式。}}
\newglossaryentry{DHCP}{name={\acronym{DHCP}}, description={\acronym{DHCP} stands for \emph{Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol}, it is used by a \acronym{DHCP} \gls{server} to assign computers on a network an IP address automatically.}}
\newglossaryentry{DHCP}{name={\acronym{DHCP}}, description={\acronym{DHCP} 是 \emph{Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol}的縮寫,是一種被\acronym{DHCP} \gls{伺服器} 用來自動分配IP位址給網路上的電腦的通訊協定。}}
Type the command as shown below.
\newglossaryentry{desktop environment}{name={desktop environment}, description={A generic term to describe a GUI interface for humans to interact with computers. There are many desktop environments such as GNOME, KDE, XFCE and LXDE just to name a few.}}
\newglossaryentry{desktop environment}{name={桌面環境}, description={用來描述圖形化介面的詞彙,人們利用此種介面跟電腦互動。有許多的桌面環境,例如:GNOME, KDE, XFCE和LXDE等等只是其中的一些。}}
Ubuntu core applications are all free and open source. We want you to use free and open source software, improve it, and pass it on.
\emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04} is not intended to be a comprehensive Ubuntu instruction manual. It is more like a quick-start guide that will get you doing the things you need to do with your computer quickly and easily, without getting bogged down in technical details.
\emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04} 並非是一份詳盡的Ubuntu 指令手冊。它主要是為了讓您能夠快速地開始享受Ubuntu的各項功能,而不被一些技術上的細節所影響。
\newglossaryentry{GNOME}{name={\acronym{GNOME}}, description={\acronym{GNOME} (which once stood for GNU Network Object Model Environment) is the default desktop environment used in Ubuntu.}}
\newglossaryentry{GNOME}{name={\acronym{GNOME}}, description={\acronym{GNOME} (是GNU Network Object Model Environment的縮寫) 為Ubuntu的預設桌面環境。}}
\newglossaryentry{desktop environment}{name={desktop environment}, description={A generic term to describe a GUI interface for humans to interact with computers. There are many desktop environments such as GNOME, KDE, XFCE and LXDE just to name a few.}}
\newglossaryentry{ desktop environment}{name={桌面環境}, description={用來描述圖形化介面的詞彙,人們利用此種介面跟電腦互動。有許多的桌面環境,例如:GNOME, KDE, XFCE和LXDE等等只是其中的一些。}}
Ubuntu is built on the foundation of Linux, which is a member of the Unix family. Unix is one of the oldest types of operating systems and has provided reliability and security in professional applications for almost half a century. Many servers around the world that store data for popular websites (such as YouTube and Google) run some variant of a Unix system.
\marginnote{A popular forum for Ubuntu discussion and support is the Ubuntu Forums, \url{}.}
\marginnote{在\url{} 有一個活躍的Ubuntu討論區,內容包含各式主題討論及支援。}
Before you decide whether or not Ubuntu is right for you, we suggest giving yourself some time to grow accustomed to the way things are done \dash and expect to find that some things are different to what you are used to. We also suggest taking the following into account:
在您決定Ubuntu 是否適合您之前,請您給自己一點時間適應它 \dash 您可能會發現它在有些部份和您習慣的不同。我們建議您將下列事項列入考慮:
While large organizations often find it useful to pay for support services, Shuttleworth has promised that the Ubuntu desktop system will always be free. As of 2010, Ubuntu desktop is installed on nearly 2\% of the world's computers. This equates to millions of users worldwide, and is growing each year.
雖然針對大型組織有提供付費支援,Shuttleworh 承諾桌機版本的Ubuntu將會永久免費。在2010年時,桌機版本的Ubuntu已被安裝在全世界2%,相當於數百萬台的電腦上,並且此數量每年都仍持續增長中。
Please bear in mind that this guide is still very much a work in progress and always will be. It is written specifically for Ubuntu 10.04 \acronym{LTS}, and although we have aimed to not limit our instructions to this version it is unavoidable that some things will change over the life of Ubuntu. Whenever a new version of Ubuntu is released, we will incorporate any changes into our guide, and make a new version available at \url{}.
請注意此份指南並不是最終版本。它主要是針對Ubuntu 10.04 \acronym{LTS} 而撰寫的,雖然我們致力於使您在熟悉指南中的各式指引後,能夠順暢的使用各個版本Ubuntu,但無可避免的,隨著Ubuntu 的開發,這些指引可能會隨之改變。每當新版本的Ubuntu 發布後,我們會將各種改變作整合,並在 \url{} 發布新版本的指南。
\emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04} is not intended to be a comprehensive Ubuntu instruction manual. It is more like a quick-start guide that will get you doing the things you need to do with your computer quickly and easily, without getting bogged down in technical details.
\emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04} 並非是一份詳盡的Ubuntu 指令手冊。它主要是為了讓您能夠快速的開始享受Ubuntu的各項功能,而不被一些技術上的細節所影響。
Our goal is to cover the basics of Ubuntu (such as installation and working with the desktop) as well as guide you through some of the most popular applications. We designed this guide to be simple to follow with step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots, allowing you to discover the potential of your new Ubuntu system even if you are a novice computer user or are migrating from another operating system for the first time.
\marginnote{More information about Ubuntu's online and system documentation can be found in \chaplink{ch:learning-more}.}
\marginnote{更多Ubuntu 的線上及系統資料可在 \chaplink{ch:learning-more} 找到。}
If you are after more detail, there are excellent resources available at \url{}. Ubuntu's built-in system documentation is also very useful for accessing help on specific topics, and can be found by clicking \menu{System\then Help and Support} in Ubuntu. If something isn't covered here, chances are you will find the information you are looking for in one of those locations. We will try our best to include links to more detailed help wherever we can.
若您想了解更多細節, 在\url{}上有一些很棒的資源可參考。 Ubuntu 內建的文件及說明也可幫助解答您對特定主題的疑問,只需在Ubuntu 內點選 \menu{System\then Help and Support}。某些在本指南內未涵蓋的資訊極有可能在上述地方找到。同時,我們會盡力在指南內任何需要協助的地方提供您連結。
\newglossaryentry{wireless connection}{name={wireless connection}, description={A wireless connection involves no cables of any sort and instead uses a wireless signal to communicate with either a \gls{router} or access point.}}
\newglossaryentry{wireless connection}{name={無線連線}, description={不需經由任何硬體形式的接線,只需無線訊號就可以讓電腦連接上路由器或是網路連接點。}}
\newglossaryentry{proprietary}{name={proprietary}, description={Software made by companies that don't release their source code under an open-source license.}}
\newglossaryentry{proprietary}{name={商業上專利的}, description={常用來形容一些程式碼未公開發布的軟體。例如:Microsoft Office。}}
\newglossaryentry{ISP}{name={\acronym{ISP}}, description={\acronym{ISP} stands for \emph{Internet Service Provider}, an \acronym{ISP} is a company that provides you with your internet connection.}}
\newglossaryentry{ISP}{name={\acronym{ISP}}, description={\acronym{ISP} 是 \emph{Internet Service Provider}的縮寫, \acronym{ISP} 泛指提供網路連線服務的公司。}}
\newglossaryentry{desktop environment}{name={desktop environment}, description={A generic term to describe a GUI interface for humans to interact with computers. There are many desktop environments such as GNOME, KDE, XFCE and LXDE just to name a few.}}
\newglossaryentry{ desktop environment}{name={桌面環境}, description={用來描述圖形化介面的詞彙,人們利用此種介面跟電腦互動。有許多的桌面環境,GNOME, KDE, XFCE和LXDE等等。}}
\newglossaryentry{GNOME}{name={\acronym{GNOME}}, description={\acronym{GNOME} (which once stood for GNU Network Object Model Environment) is the default desktop environment used in Ubuntu.}}
\newglossaryentry{GNOME}{name={\acronym{GNOME}}, description={\acronym{GNOME} (是GNU Network Object Model Environment的縮寫) 為Ubuntu的預設桌面環境.}}
\newglossaryentry{desktop environment}{name={desktop environment}, description={A generic term to describe a GUI interface for humans to interact with computers. There are many desktop environments such as GNOME, KDE, XFCE and LXDE just to name a few.}}
\newglossaryentry{桌面環境}{name={桌面環境}, description={用來描述圖形化介面的詞彙,人們利用此種介面跟電腦互動。有許多的桌面環境,GNOME, KDE, XFCE和LXDE等等。}}
\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical, the financial backer of Ubuntu, provides support for the core Ubuntu system. It has over 310 paid staff members worldwide who ensure that the foundation of the operating system is stable, as well as checking all the work submitted by volunteer contributors. To learn more about Canonical, go to \url{}.}}
\newglossaryentry{Canonical}{name={Canonical}, description={Canonical 是Ubuntu主要的贊助公司,提供對 Ubuntu核心系統的支援。在全球共有310位員工受聘於此公司以確保Ubuntu系統的穩定性,並審視志願工作者所提交的成果。若想對 Canonical公司有更多的了解,請至 \url{}.}}
\newglossaryentry{cursor}{name={cursor}, description={The blinking cursor that appears after the \gls{prompt} in the \gls{terminal} is used to show you where text will appear when you start typing. You can move it around with arrow keys on your keyboard.}}
\newglossaryentry{cursor}{name={游標}, description={在 \gls{terminal} 中 \gls{prompt} 之後閃爍的游標是用來顯示開始輸入時文字會出現的位置,您可用鍵盤上的方向鍵移動它。}}
\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={dialup connection}, description={A dialup connection is when your computer uses a modem to connect to an \gls{ISP} through your telephone line.}}
\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={撥號連線}, description={設定使用數據機撥號上網。}}
\newglossaryentry{dialup connection}{name={撥號連線}, description={設定使用數據機撥號上網。}}
\newglossaryentry{ dialup connection}{name={撥號連線}, description={設定使用數據機撥號上網。}}
\newglossaryentry{撥號連線}{name={撥號連線}, description={設定使用數據機撥號上網。}}
\newglossaryentry{Ethernet port}{name={Ethernet port}, description={An Ethernet port is what an Ethernet cable is plugged into when you are using a \gls{wired connection}.}}
\newglossaryentry{Ethernet port}{name={乙太網絡連接埠}, description={乙太網絡連接埠是當您使用\gls{實體網路連接線}(非無線網路)所需要插入電腦的接口。}}
\newglossaryentry{GUI}{name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={The \acronym{GUI} (which stands for Graphical User Interface) is a type of user interface that allows humans to interact with the computer using graphics and images rather than just text.}}
\newglossaryentry{GUI}{name={\acronym{GUI}}, description={\acronym{GUI} (Graphical User Interface 圖形化使用者介面的縮寫) 一種利用圖像和圖片讓使用者以較簡易的方式和電腦互動,並減少較複雜的文字介面的使用。}}
\newglossaryentry{kernel}{name={kernel}, description={A kernel is the central portion of a Unix-based operating system, responsible for running applications, processes, and providing security for the core components.}}
\newglossaryentry{kernel}{name={內核}, description={內核泛指類Unix作業系統的核心部份,主要功能為:運行應用程式,程序以及保護系統核心.}}
\newglossaryentry{kernel}{name={內核}, description={內核泛指類Unix作業系統的核心部份,主要功能為:運行應用程式,進程以及保護核心元件.}}
\newglossaryentry{maximize}{name={\emph{maximize}}, description={When you maximize an application in Ubuntu it will fill the whole desktop, excluding the panels.}}
\newglossaryentry{maximize}{name={\emph{最大化}}, description={當點選應用程式中最大化視窗的按鈕時,將會把該視窗調整放大到整個螢幕的大小,但不會覆蓋掉面板。}}
\newglossaryentry{maximize}{name={\emph{最大化}}, description={當點選應用程式中最大化視窗的按鈕時,將會把該視窗調整放大到整個螢幕的大小(扣除掉面板的空間)。}}
\newglossaryentry{MeMenu}{name={MeMenu}, description={The MeMenu in Ubuntu 10.04 allows you to manage your presence on social networking services. It also allows you to publish status messages to all of your accounts by entering updates into a text field.}}
\newglossaryentry{MeMenu}{name={個人選單}, description={Ubuntu 10.04 的個人選單能讓您管理社交網路的上線狀態,也能讓您公開發布個人狀態或訊息至您已加入個人選單的所有帳號。}}
\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={panel}, description={A panel is a bar that sits on the edge of your screen. It contains \glspl{applet} which provide useful functions such as running programs, viewing the time, or accessing the main menu.}}
\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={面板}, description={面板是在位於螢幕邊上的橫列,包含了 \glspl{applet} 以提供一些實用的功能,例如:運行程式、觀看時間、或進入主選單。}}
\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={面板}, description={面板是在位於螢幕邊上的橫列,包含了 \glspl{applet} 並提供了一些實用的功能,例如:運行程式、觀看時間、或進入主選單。}}
\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={面板}, description={面板是在位於螢幕邊上的橫列,包含了 \glspl{applet} 並提供了一些實用的功能,例如運行程式、觀看時間、或進入主選單。}}
\newglossaryentry{parameter}{name={parameter}, description={Parameters are special options that you can use with other commands in the terminal to make that command behave differently, this can make a lot of commands far more useful.}}
\newglossaryentry{parameter}{name={參數}, description={在使用終端機界面下指令時,可以搭配參數使指令有各種不同的行為,讓很多指令更加方便使用。}}
\newglossaryentry{server}{name={server}, description={A server is a computer that runs a specialized operating system and provides services to computers that connect to it and make a request.}}
\newglossaryentry{server}{name={伺服器}, description={伺服器是一種運行專門的作業系統的電腦,主要是替連結至它的其他電腦提供或是請求其他的伺服器的資料。}}
\newglossaryentry{server}{name={伺服器}, description={伺服器是一種運行特殊作業系統的電腦,主要是替連結至它的其他電腦提供或是請求其他的伺服器的資料。}}
\newglossaryentry{Software Center}{name={Software Center}, description={The Software Center is where you can easily manage software installation and removal as well as the ability to manage software installed via Personal Package Archives.}}
\newglossaryentry{Software Center}{name={軟體中心}, description={軟體中心可以使您輕鬆地安裝,移除或是管理各種應用程式。}}
\newglossaryentry{Synaptic Package Manager}{name={Synaptic Package Manager}, description={Synaptic Package Manager is a tool that, instead of listing applications (like the Software Center) lists individual packages that can then be installed, removed and fixed.}}
\newglossaryentry{Synaptic Package Manager}{name={Synaptic 套件管理器}, description={相較於軟體中心,Synaptic 套件管理器提供更進階的軟體管理,夠讓您安裝,移除或修復應用程式內部所使用的各類套件。}}
\newglossaryentry{terminal}{name={terminal}, description={The terminal is Ubuntu's text only interface, it is a method of controlling some aspects of the operating system using only commands entered via the keyboard.}}
\newglossaryentry{terminal}{name={終端機}, description={在終端機中您只能使用文字介面,它讓您經由文字指令對作業系統的某些層面有更精確的控制。}}
\newglossaryentry{Wubi}{name={Wubi}, description={Wubi stands for Windows Ubuntu Installer, and it allows you to install Ubuntu inside Windows. See page~\pageref{sec:installation:using-wubi} for more information.}}
\newglossaryentry{Wubi}{name={Wubi}, description={Wubi 是Windows Ubuntu Installer 的縮寫, 它能夠讓您把Ubuntu作業系統當成一個應用程式安裝在Windows 系統下。詳情請參考 page~\pageref{sec:installation:using-wubi}。}}