Translations by Wylmer Wang
Wylmer Wang has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1618. |
The Ubuntu Documentation team has created and maintains a series of wiki pages designed to help both new and experienced users learn more about Ubuntu. You can access these at \url{}.
2010-05-08 | ||
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The Ubuntu Forums
2010-12-15 |
Ubuntu 论坛
2010-05-08 | ||
1620. |
The Ubuntu Forums are the official forums of the Ubuntu community. Millions of Ubuntu users use them daily to seek help and support from one another. You can create an Ubuntu Forums account in minutes. To create an account and learn more about Ubuntu from community members, visit \url{}.
2010-05-08 | ||
1621. |
Launchpad Answers
2010-12-15 |
Launchpad 解答
2010-05-08 | ||
1622. |
Launchpad, an open source code repository and user community, provides a question and answer service that allows anyone to ask questions about any Ubuntu-related topic. Signing up for a Launchpad account requires only a few minutes. Ask a question by visiting Launchpad at \url{}.
2010-05-08 | ||
1623. |
Live chat
2010-12-15 |
1624. |
If you are familiar with Internet relay chat (\acronym{IRC}), you can use chat clients such as \application{XChat} or \application{Pidgin} to join the channel \#ubuntu on Here, hundreds of user volunteers can answer your questions or offer you support in real time.
2010-05-08 | ||
1625. |
\marginnote{In addition to official Ubuntu and community help, you will often find third-party help available on the Internet. While these documents can often be great resources, some could be misleading or outdated. It's always best to verify information from third-party sources before taking their advice.}
2010-05-08 | ||
1626. |
LoCo teams
2010-12-15 |
LoCo 团队
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Within the Ubuntu community are dozens of local user groups called ``LoCo teams.'' Spread throughout the world, these teams offer support and advice, answer questions and promote Ubuntu in their communities by hosting regular events. To locate and contact the LoCo team nearest you, visit \url{}.
2010-05-08 | ||
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Community support
2010-12-15 |
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2010-03-21 | ||
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2010-03-21 | ||
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2010-12-15 |
2010-03-21 | ||
1633. |
This manual wouldn't have been possible without the efforts and contributions from the following people:
2010-12-15 |
2010-03-21 | ||
1634. |
Team Leads
2010-12-15 |
2010-03-21 | ||
1635. |
\begingroup \parindent0pt \parskip0pt \par Benjamin Humphrey\dash Team Lead \par Kevin Godby\dash Lead \TeX{}nician \par Jamin Day\dash Head of Editing \par Ilya Haykinson\dash Authors coordinator \par Josh Holland\dash Translation maintenance \par Thorsten Wilms\dash Design \par Adnane Belmadiaf\dash Web development \par Luke Jennings\dash Quickshot developer \par Neil Tallim\dash Quickshot developer \par Simon Vermeersh\dash Quickshot developer \endgroup
2010-12-15 |
\begingroup \parindent0pt \parskip0pt \par Benjamin Humphrey\dash Team Lead \par Kevin Godby\dash Lead \TeX{}nician \par Jamin Day\dash Head of Editing \par Ilya Haykinson\dash Authors coordinator \par Josh Holland\dash Translation maintenance \par Thorsten Wilms\dash Design \par Adnane Belmadiaf\dash Web development \par Luke Jennings\dash Quickshot developer \par Neil Tallim\dash Quickshot developer \par Simon Vermeersh\dash Quickshot developer \endgroup
1636. |
2010-12-15 |
2010-03-21 | ||
1637. |
Joe Burgess \item Thomas Cantara \item Sayantan Das \item Kelvin Gardiner \item Matt Griffin \item Ilya Haykinson \item Wolter Hellmund \item Josh Holland \item Benjamin Humphrey \item Luke Jennings \item Elan Kugelmass \item Ryan Macnish
2010-12-15 |
Joe Burgess \item Thomas Cantara \item Sayantan Das \item Kelvin Gardiner \item Matt Griffin \item Ilya Haykinson \item Wolter Hellmund \item Josh Holland \item Benjamin Humphrey \item Luke Jennings \item Elan Kugelmass \item Ryan Macnish
2010-05-08 | ||
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2010-12-15 |
2010-05-08 | ||
1639. |
Bryan Behrenshausen \item Jamin Day \item Kevin Godby \item Benjamin Humphrey \item Jason Cook \item Chris Woollard \item Alexander Lancey
2010-12-15 |
Bryan Behrenshausen \item Jamin Day \item Kevin Godby \item Benjamin Humphrey \item Jason Cook \item Chris Woollard \item Alexander Lancey
1640. |
2010-12-15 |
2010-05-08 | ||
1641. |
K. Vishnoo Charan Reddy \item Wolter Hellmund \item Benjamin Humphrey \item David Nel \item Thorsten Wilms
2010-12-15 |
K. Vishnoo Charan Reddy \item Wolter Hellmund \item Benjamin Humphrey \item David Nel \item Thorsten Wilms
2010-05-08 | ||
1642. |
2010-12-15 |
2010-05-08 | ||
1643. |
Adnane Belmadiaf \item Kevin Godby \item Luke Jennings \item Neil Tallim \item Simon Vermeersh
2010-12-15 |
Adnane Belmadiaf \item Kevin Godby \item Luke Jennings \item Neil Tallim \item Simon Vermeersh
2010-05-08 | ||
1644. |
2010-12-15 |
2010-05-08 | ||
1645. |
Vytautas Bačiulis \item Dmitry Belonogov \item Francisco Dieguez \item André Gondim \item Jiri Grönroos \item Mohamad Imran Ishak \item Martin Kaba \item The KanchiLUG Tamil translating team \item Kentaro Kazuhama \item James Kelly \item George Kontis \item Shushi Kurose \item Martin Lukeš \item Kostas Milonas \item Anwar Mohammed \item Abhijit Navale \item Emmanuel Ninos \item Robert Readman \item Roth Robert \item Daniel Schury \item Paulius Sladkevicius \item Pierre Slamich \item Fredrik Sudmann \item Muhd Syazwan \item Ralph Ulrich \item Chris Woollard \item John Xygonakis \item Konstantinos Zigourakis \item \ldots and many others
2010-12-15 |
Vytautas Bačiulis \item Dmitry Belonogov \item Francisco Dieguez \item André Gondim \item Jiri Grönroos \item Mohamad Imran Ishak \item Martin Kaba \item The KanchiLUG Tamil translating team \item Kentaro Kazuhama \item James Kelly \item George Kontis \item Shushi Kurose \item Martin Lukeš \item Kostas Milonas \item Anwar Mohammed \item Abhijit Navale \item Emmanuel Ninos \item Robert Readman \item Roth Robert \item Daniel Schury \item Paulius Sladkevicius \item Pierre Slamich \item Fredrik Sudmann \item Muhd Syazwan \item Ralph Ulrich \item Chris Woollard \item John Xygonakis \item Konstantinos Zigourakis \item \ldots and many others
1646. |
Special Thanks
2010-12-15 |
2010-03-21 | ||
1647. |
Chris\_Ilias \item Bo \item underpass \item jehurd \item cl58 \item kjhass \item djstsys \item mozilla\_help\_view\_project \item Joey-Elijah Alexithymia \item Jono Bacon \item Manualbot \item Chris Johnson \item Elan Kugelmass \item Elizabeth Krumbach \item Josh Leverette \item Walter Méndez \item Martin Owens \item Tim Penhey \item Andy Piper \item Alan Pope \item Matthew Paul Thomas
2010-12-15 |
Chris\_Ilias \item Bo \item underpass \item jehurd \item cl58 \item kjhass \item djstsys \item mozilla\_help\_view\_project \item Joey-Elijah Alexithymia \item Jono Bacon \item Manualbot \item Chris Johnson \item Elan Kugelmass \item Elizabeth Krumbach \item Josh Leverette \item Walter Méndez \item Martin Owens \item Tim Penhey \item Andy Piper \item Alan Pope \item Matthew Paul Thomas
1648. |
\begingroup\small\parskip0pt\parindent0pt\par The Ubuntu Documentation Team \par The Ubuntu Community Learning Project \endgroup
2010-12-15 |
\begingroup\small\parskip0pt\parindent0pt\par The Ubuntu Documentation Team \par The Ubuntu Community Learning Project \endgroup
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2010-12-15 |
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\small \parindent0pt
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2010-12-15 |
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2010-12-15 |
本书使用 \XeLaTeX 排版。