Translations by Wylmer Wang

Wylmer Wang has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 2200 results
If you are after more detail, there are excellent resources available at \url{}. Ubuntu's built-in system documentation is also very useful for accessing help on specific topics, and can be found by clicking \menu{System\then Help and Support} in Ubuntu. If something isn't covered here, chances are you will find the information you are looking for in one of those locations. We will try our best to include links to more detailed help wherever we can.
如果您爱追根究底,\url{} 上有很多优秀的资源。在 Ubuntu 自带的系统文档中对于特定话题的帮助也很有用,可以通过点击 Ubuntu 中的\menu{系统\then 帮助和支持}菜单找到它们。如果某些内容本书没有提及,在这些地方您很可能找得到相关信息。我们会尽量给出可供参考的详细帮助的链接。
\textbf{Many applications designed for Microsoft Windows or Mac \acronym{OS~X} will not run on Ubuntu.} For the vast majority of tasks that people use their computers for every day, there are suitable alternative applications available in Ubuntu. However, many professional applications (such as the Adobe Creative Suite) are not developed to work with Ubuntu. If you rely on commercial software that is not compatible with Ubuntu, yet still want to give Ubuntu a try, you may want to consider dual-booting. Alternatively, some applications developed for Windows will work in Ubuntu with a program called \application{Wine}.
\textbf{很多 Microsoft Windows 或 Mac \acronym{OS~X} 不能在 Ubuntu 中运行。}对于人们使用计算机进行的各类日常活动,Ubuntu 中都有合适的替代应用程序。然而,很多专业应用程序(如 Adobe Creative Suite)还没有 Ubuntu 版本。如果您依赖这些尚不兼容 Ubuntu 的商业软件,但仍然想试试 Ubuntu,那么您可以考虑双启动。另外,一些 Windows 应用程序可以通过 \application{Wine} 在 Ubuntu 中运行。
\emph{Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04} is not intended to be a comprehensive Ubuntu instruction manual. It is more like a quick-start guide that will get you doing the things you need to do with your computer quickly and easily, without getting bogged down in technical details.
\emph{Ubuntu 10.04 入门} 不是一本详尽的 Ubuntu 操作说明书。它更像一本快速开始指南,能够简单快捷地让您的计算机投入工作,而不是在技术细节中纠缠。
\marginnote{More information about Ubuntu's online and system documentation can be found in \chaplink{ch:learning-more}.}
\marginnote{有关 ubuntu 的在线和系统文档的更多信息,可见于 \chaplink{ch:learning-more}。}
Please bear in mind that this guide is still very much a work in progress and always will be. It is written specifically for Ubuntu 10.04 \acronym{LTS}, and although we have aimed to not limit our instructions to this version it is unavoidable that some things will change over the life of Ubuntu. Whenever a new version of Ubuntu is released, we will incorporate any changes into our guide, and make a new version available at \url{}.
切记,这本指南仍在编写中,并将继续修订。它是专门针对 Ubuntu 10.04 \acronym{LTS}编写的。尽管我们尽量使说明不限于该版本,但不可避免的会有一些内容会随 Ubuntu 的更新而变动。一旦新版的 Ubuntu 发布,我们会将改动合并到我们的指南中,并将新版本发布到\url{}。
\mbox{}\marginnote{To learn more about Linux distributions, see \chaplink{ch:learning-more}.}These early \acronym{GUI}s were difficult to configure and clunky at best, and generally only used by seasoned computer programmers. In the past decade, however, Graphical User Interfaces have come a long way in terms of usability, reliability and appearance. Ubuntu is just one of many different Linux \emph{distributions}, and uses one of the more popular graphical desktop environments called \acronym{GNOME}. \marginnote{A \emph{desktop environment} is a sophisticated and integrated user interface that provides the basis for humans to interact with a computer using a monitor, keyboard and a mouse.}
\mbox{}\marginnote{要进一步了解 Linux 发行版,参阅\chaplink{ch:learning-more}。}这些早期的 \acronym{GUI} 配置困难而且笨重,渐渐的只有经验丰富的计算机程序员才使用。然而在过去的十年中,图像用户界面在易用、可靠和外观上都有了长足进步。Ubuntu 只是众多 Linux \emph{发行版}之一,它使用一种较常见的称为\acronym{GNOME}的图形桌面环境。\marginnote{\emph{桌面环境}是一种复杂的集成用户界面,提供用户通过显示器、键盘和鼠标等设备与计算机交互的基础环境。}
To change your homepage:
Shuttleworth set out with clear intentions to address these weaknesses and create a system that was easy to use, completely free (see \chaplink{ch:learning-more} for the complete definition of ``free''), and could compete with other mainstream operating systems. With the Debian system as a base, Shuttleworth began to build Ubuntu. Using his own funds at first, installation \acronym{CD}s were pressed and shipped worldwide at no cost to the end user. Ubuntu spread quickly, the size of the community rapidly increased, and it soon became the most popular Debian-based Linux distribution available.
Shuttleworth 着手定位这些弱点并创建一个好用的系统,目的非常明确,完全自由(参见 \chaplink{ch:learning-more} 了解“自由”的完整定义)并足以与其他主流操作系统竞争。Shuttleworth 开始以 Debian 系统为基础构建 Ubuntu 系统。他以自己的资产为启动基金,向全球终端用户免费印刷和寄送安装 \acronym{CD}。Ubuntu 迅速传播开来,社区规模快速增长,很快,它成为最流行的基于 Debian 的 Linux 发行版。
Our goal is to cover the basics of Ubuntu (such as installation and working with the desktop) as well as guide you through some of the most popular applications. We designed this guide to be simple to follow with step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots, allowing you to discover the potential of your new Ubuntu system even if you are a novice computer user or are migrating from another operating system for the first time.
我们的目标是宣传 Ubuntu 基础知识(如安装和使用桌面)以及带您了解几款常见应用程序。这本指南简明易懂,操作步骤清晰、截屏插图丰富。即使您是一位计算机新手,或者刚从另外的操作系统转到 Ubuntu,也能发掘出自己的新系统的潜力。
You can paste the text into other programs.
\screenshot{01-live-cd-welcome.png}{ss:live-cd-welcome}{The welcome screen allows you to choose your language.}
While large organizations often find it useful to pay for support services, Shuttleworth has promised that the Ubuntu desktop system will always be free. As of 2010, Ubuntu desktop is installed on nearly 2\% of the world's computers. This equates to millions of users worldwide, and is growing each year.
尽管大型组织常常需要支付支持服务费用,Shuttleworth 承诺 Ubuntu 桌面系统将永远免费。截至 2010年,世界上 2\% 的计算机上安装了 Ubuntu 桌面系统。这等于说世界上有数百万用户在使用它,并且这一数字每年都在增加。
Linux was designed from the ground up with security and hardware compatibility in mind, and is currently one of the most popular Unix-based operating system. One of the benefits of Linux is that it is incredibly flexible and can be configured to run on almost any device\dash from the smallest micro-computers and cellphones to larger super-computers. Initially, Unix was entirely command line-based until Graphical User Interfaces (\glspl{GUI}) began to emerge in the early 1990s.
Linux 设计时从底层就考虑了安全和硬件兼容性,它是目前最流行的基 Unix 操作系统。Linux 的优点在于它难以置信的灵活,几乎可以配置运行到任何设备上\dash 从最小的微型计算机和手机到更大的超级计算机。开始时,Unix 是完全基于命令行的;1990年代起,图形用户界面(\glspl{GUI}) 开始出现。
New users to Ubuntu may find that it takes some time to feel comfortable with the operating system. You will no doubt notice many similarities to both Microsoft Windows and Mac \acronym{OS~X}, as well as some things that work very differently. Users coming from Mac \acronym{OS~X} are more likely to notice similarities due to the fact that both Mac \acronym{OS~X} and Ubuntu originated from Unix.
Ubuntu 新手也许会发现适应该操作系统需要一段时间。您肯定注意到它和Microsoft Windows 和 MAC \acronym{OS~X} 的诸多相似之处,还有许多不同点。Mac \acronym{OS~X} 用户可能会注意到更多相似的地方,因为 Mac \acronym{OS~X}和 Ubuntu 都是源自 Unix 的。
\marginnote{Canonical is the company that provides financial and technical support for Ubuntu. They have employees based around the world who work on developing and improving the operating system, as well as reviewing work submitted by volunteer contributors. To learn more about Canonical, go to \url{}.}
\marginnote{Canonical 是为 Ubuntu 提供资金和技术支持的公司。该公司有来自全球各地的雇员,开发和改进该操作系统,并审核义务贡献者提交的作品。要了解更多有关Canonical 的信息,请访问 \url{}。}
\marginnote{See \chaplink{ch:software-management} to learn more about \application{Ubuntu Software Center}. To learn more about dual-booting (running Ubuntu side-by-side with another operating system), see \chaplink{ch:installation}. For more information on Wine, go to \url{}.}
\marginnote{参看 \chaplink{ch:software-management} 来了解更多有关 \application{Ubuntu Software Center} 的信息。要了解更多双启动(与另一操作系统共存,分别运行), 参看 \chaplink{ch:installation}。要了解更多有关 Wine 的信息,请前往 \url{}。}
\textbf{Ubuntu is community based.} That is, Ubuntu is made, developed, and maintained by the community. Because of this, support is probably not available at your local computer store. Thankfully, the Ubuntu community is here to help. There are many articles, guides, and manuals available, as well as users on various Internet forums and Internet relay chat (\acronym{IRC}) rooms that are willing to help out beginners. Additionally, near the end of this guide we include a troubleshooting chapter: \chaplink{ch:troubleshooting}.
\textbf{Ubuntu 是基于社区的。}就是说,Ubuntu 是由社区制作、开发和维护的。因此,您本地的计算机商店可能无法提供支持。幸好,Ubuntu 社区可以帮助您。这里有众多的文章、指南和手册,还有各种互联网论坛和互联网中继聊天(\acronym{IRC})室里的用户愿意帮助您。另外,这本指南末尾还包含有关故障排除的一章:\chaplink{ch:troubleshooting}。
Now with more people working on the project than ever before, Ubuntu continues to see improvement to its core features and hardware support, and has gained the attention of large organizations worldwide. For example, in 2007 Dell began a collaboration with Canonical to sell computers with Ubuntu pre-installed. Additionally, in 2005 the French Police began to transition their entire computer infrastructure to a variant of Ubuntu\dash a process which has reportedly saved them ``millions of Euro'' in licensing fees for Microsoft Windows. By the year 2012, the French Police anticipates that all of their computers will be running Ubuntu. Canonical profits from this arrangement by providing technical support and custom-built software.
现在,随着越来越多的人参与到该项目中,Ubuntu 的核心功能和硬件支持不断改进,并引起世界上大型组织的关注。例如,2007年戴尔开始与 Canonical 合作,销售预装 Ubuntu的计算机。另外,在2005年,法国警方开始将他们的整个计算机架构迁移到一种 Ubuntu 变体\dash 据称该措施节省了他们“数百万欧元”的 Microsoft Windows 操作系统授权费用。法国预计,到2012年他们的所有计算机将运行 Ubuntu 系统。Canonical 通过技术支持和定制软件从这项合作中获得利润。
Before you decide whether or not Ubuntu is right for you, we suggest giving yourself some time to grow accustomed to the way things are done \dash and expect to find that some things are different to what you are used to. We also suggest taking the following into account:
在您决定 Ubuntu 是否适合自己之前,我们建议您花一段时间熟悉它的工作方式\dash 同时了解有哪些东西与自己习惯上的不同。我们还建议您考虑以下情况:
Ubuntu was conceived in 2004 by Mark Shuttleworth, a successful South African entrepreneur, and his company \gls{Canonical}. Shuttleworth recognized the power of Linux and Open Source, but was also aware of weaknesses that prevented mainstream use.
Ubuntu 和 \gls{Canonical} 公司是 2004 年由南非企业家 Mark Shuttleworth 构想和创建的。Shuttleworth 认识到了 Linux 和开源运动的力量,但也觉察到了阻碍它们成为主流应用的缺陷。
The easiest and most common method for getting Ubuntu is to download the Ubuntu \emph{\acronym{CD} image} directly from \url{}. Head to the website and click the ``Download Ubuntu'' link at the top. Select the nearest download location to you in the drop-down box (to ensure maximum download speed), then click ``Begin Download.''
获取 Ubuntu 最容易也是最常见的方法是直接从 \url{} 下载 Ubuntu \emph{\acronym{CD} 镜像}。访问网站并点击顶部的 “Download Ubuntu” 链接。从下拉列表中选择最接近您的下载位置(下载速度快)并点击“Begin Download”。
When a new version of Ubuntu is released, sometimes the \glspl{server} can get clogged up with large numbers of people downloading or upgrading at the same time. If you are familiar with using torrents, you may wish to download the torrent file by clicking ``Alternative download options,'' and obtain your copy of the \acronym{CD} image this way instead. You may see significant improvements to your download speed, and will also be helping to spread Ubuntu to other users worldwide. Again, if you are unsure how to use torrents, you can use the default download options on the website.
新版本的 Ubuntu 发布时,有时大量用户同时下载或升级会造成 \glspl{server} 阻塞。如果您比较熟悉 torrent,可以选择下载 torrent 文件,点击 “Alternative download options” 并通过该方式获取 \acronym{CD} 副本。您可能会发现下载速度明显加快了,同时这也会帮助将 Ubuntu 传播给世界上的其他用户。同样,如果您不知道如何使用 torrent,直接使用网站上的默认下载选项即可。
Once your download is complete you will be left with a file called \emph{ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso} or similar (\emph{i386} here in the filename refers to the 32-bit version. This will be replaced with \emph{amd64} if you downloaded the 64-bit version instead). This file is a \acronym{CD} image\dash a bit like a ``snapshot'' of the contents of a \acronym{CD}\dash which you will need to burn to a \acronym{CD} disc. To find out how to burn a \acronym{CD} image on your computer, refer to your operating system or manufacturer help. You can also find detailed instructions at \url{}
下载完成时,您将得到一个名为 \emph{ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso} 之类的文件(这里文件名中的 \emph{i386} 指 32位 版本。如果下载的是 64位 版本,则会相应替换为 \emph{amd64})。这是一个 \acronym{CD} 镜像文件\dash有点像对 \acronym{CD} 内容的“快照”\dash您需要将它刻录到一张 \acronym{CD} 盘上。有关如何使用您的计算机刻录 \acronym{CD} 镜像,请参阅您的操作系统或厂商帮助。您也可以在 \url{} 找到详尽的说明。
\marginnote{\emph{32-bit} and \emph{64-bit} are types of processor architectures. 64-bit is newer, and most recent computers will come with a 64-bit capable processor. See \chaplink{ch:learning-more} for more information.}
\marginnote{\emph{32-bit} 和 \emph{64-bit} 是处理器架构类型。64位 的架构较新,多数新生产的计算机会配备具有 64位 处理能力的处理器。参阅 \chaplink{ch:learning-more} 了解更多信息。}
\marginnote{\textbf{Torrents} are a way of sharing files and information around the Internet via ``Peer to Peer'' file sharing. When a new version of Ubuntu is released, the Ubuntu servers can become very busy. If you know how to use torrents, we recommend that you download the \acronym{CD} image this way to take the load off the servers during periods of high demand.}
\marginnote{\textbf{Torrents} 是一种通过“点对点”文件共享在互联网上分享文件和信息的方法。当新版本的 Ubuntu 发布时,Ubuntu 服务器可能会变得非常繁忙。如果您知道如何使用 torrent,我们建议您通过这种方式下载 \acronym{CD} 来减轻请求高发时的服务器负担。}
You may notice the words ``Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 (32-bit)'' underneath the default download button on the website. If you are unsure what 32-bit means, don't worry. 32-bit will work on most computers, so if in doubt, simply proceed with the download. However, if you know that your computer is capable of using 64-bit software, you may wish to try the 64-bit version instead. To do this click on ``Alternative download options'' and make your selection.
您可能注意到了网站上下载按钮旁的 “Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 (32-bit)” 字样。如果您不了解 32位 是什么意思,没关系。32位 的版本能够在绝大多数计算机上工作。因此,如果不确定,直接下载即可。但是,如果您知道自己的计算机能够运行 64位 软件,也许想试用 64位 的版本。那么点击 “Alternative download options”(其他下载选项)并作出选择。
Before you can get started with Ubuntu, you will need to obtain a copy of the Ubuntu installation \acronym{CD}. Some options for doing this are outlined below.
在开始使用 Ubuntu 之前,您需要获取一份 Ubuntu 安装 \acronym{CD}。获取光盘的一些途径在下面列出。
Application names, button names, menu items, and other \acronym{GUI} elements are set in \textbf{boldfaced type}.
应用程序名称、按钮名称、菜单项及其他 \acronym{GUI} 元素以\textbf{粗体}显示。
Many people have contributed their time freely to this project. If you notice any errors or think we have left something out, feel free to contact us. We do everything we can to make sure that this manual is up to date, informative, and professional. Our contact details are as follows:
\marginnote{A popular forum for Ubuntu discussion and support is the Ubuntu Forums, \url{}.}
\marginnote{一个针对 Ubuntu 讨论和帮助的活跃的论坛是 Ubuntu Forums,\url{}。}
\marginnote{Whilst modern graphical \glspl{desktop environment} have generally replaced early command line--based operating systems, the command line can still be a quick and efficient way of performing many tasks. See \chaplink{ch:command-line} for more information, and \chaplink{ch:the-ubuntu-desktop} to learn more about \gls{GNOME} and other desktop environments.}
\marginnote{尽管现代的 \glspl{desktop environment} 逐渐替代了早期的基于命令行的操作系统,命令行依然是执行很多任务的快捷高效的方式。参阅 \chaplink{ch:command-line} 了解更多信息,和 \chaplink{ch:the-ubuntu-desktop} 了解更多 \gls{GNOME} 和其他桌面环境的信息。}
Ubuntu is built on the foundation of Linux, which is a member of the Unix family. Unix is one of the oldest types of operating systems and has provided reliability and security in professional applications for almost half a century. Many servers around the world that store data for popular websites (such as YouTube and Google) run some variant of a Unix system.
Ubuntu 在 Linux 的基础上构建。Linux 是 Unix 家庭的成员之一。Ubuntu 是最悠久的操作系统之一,近半个世纪以来以可靠性和安全性应用于各种专业领域。世界上许多为常见网站(如 YouTube 和 Google)存储数据的服务器都运行着某种形式的 Unix 系统。
\marginnote{For information on Ubuntu Server Edition, and how you can use it in your company, visit \url{}.}
\marginnote{有关 Ubuntu 服务器版及如何在您的企业中使用它,请访问 \url{}。}
While large organizations often find it useful to pay for support services, Shuttleworth has promised that the Ubuntu desktop system will always be free. As of 2010, Ubuntu desktop is installed on nearly 2\% of the world's computers. This equates to millions of users worldwide, and is growing each year.
大型组织经常需要付费的支持服务,而 Shuttleworth 承诺 Ubuntu 桌面系统永远免费。在 2010 年,世界上近 2% 的电脑上安装了 Ubuntu 桌面。就是说全球有上百万的 Ubuntu 用户,而且用户数量每年都在增加。
Our goal is to cover the basics of Ubuntu (such as installation and working with the desktop) as well as guide you through some of the most popular applications. We designed this guide to be simple to follow with step-by-step instructions and plenty of screenshots, allowing you to discover the potential of your new Ubuntu system even if you are a novice computer user or are migrating from another operating system for the first time.
\noindent This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution--Share Alike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, see \hyperref[ch:license]{Appendix~}\ref{ch:license}, visit \url{}, or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
该作品遵循 Creative Commons Attribution--Share Alike 3.0 协议。要查看该协议的一份副本,请参阅 \hyperref[ch:license]{附录~}\ref{ch:license},访问 \url{},或寄信给 Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
\newglossaryentry{wireless connection}{name={wireless connection}, description={A wireless connection involves no cables of any sort and instead uses a wireless signal to communicate with either a \gls{router} or access point.}}
Press \keystroke{Ctrl+D}. A window will open. Provide a descriptive name for the bookmark, and click on the \button{Done} button.
\marginnote{More information about Ubuntu's online and system documentation can be found in \chaplink{ch:learning-more}.}
If you are after more detail, there are excellent resources available at \url{}. Ubuntu's built-in system documentation is also very useful for accessing help on specific topics, and can be found by clicking \menu{System\then Help and Support} in Ubuntu. If something isn't covered here, chances are you will find the information you are looking for in one of those locations. We will try our best to include links to more detailed help wherever we can.
\newglossaryentry{package}{name={package}, description={Debian package files that hold the core information and code for applications to run.}}
\newglossaryentry{router}{name={router}, description={A router is a specially designed computer that using its software and hardware, routes information from the internet to a network. It is also sometimes called a gateway.}}
Please bear in mind that this guide is still very much a work in progress and always will be. It is written specifically for Ubuntu 10.04 \acronym{LTS}, and although we have aimed to not limit our instructions to this version it is unavoidable that some things will change over the life of Ubuntu. Whenever a new version of Ubuntu is released, we will incorporate any changes into our guide, and make a new version available at \url{}.
\newglossaryentry{minimize}{name={minimize}, description={When you minimize an open application, it sits in an applet on a panel. If you click on a minimized applications panel button, it will then be restored to its normal state and allow you to interact with it.}}
Click on one of the item categories in the sidebar to expand this category, and see the pages you've visited during that time period. Then, once you find the page you need, click on its title to return to it.
To go back or forward more than one page, click on the small triangles on the \button{Back} and \button{Forward} buttons. You should see a list of pages you've recently visited. To return to a page, select it from the list.
If you install a different web browser on your computer, you may want to have Ubuntu use that new browser by default when you click on links from emails, instant messages, and other places.
\newglossaryentry{notification area}{name={notification area}, description={The notification area is an applet on the panel that provides you with all sorts of information such as volume control, the current song playing in Rhythmbox, your internet connection status and email status.}}
\newglossaryentry{desktop environment}{name={desktop environment}, description={A generic term to describe a GUI interface for humans to interact with computers. There are many desktop environments such as GNOME, KDE, XFCE and LXDE just to name a few.}}
\newglossaryentry{ISP}{name={\acronym{ISP}}, description={\acronym{ISP} stands for \emph{Internet Service Provider}, an \acronym{ISP} is a company that provides you with your internet connection.}}