Browsing Japanese translation

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16411650 of 1659 results
K. Vishnoo Charan Reddy \item Wolter Hellmund \item Benjamin Humphrey \item David Nel \item Thorsten Wilms
Alphabetical Order Please
type: credits
(no translation yet)
Located in ./credits/credits.tex :77
type: section{#2}
Translated and reviewed by Kentaro Kazuhama
Located in ./backmatter/credits.tex :69
Adnane Belmadiaf \item Kevin Godby \item Luke Jennings \item Neil Tallim \item Simon Vermeersh
Alphabetical Order Please
type: credits
(no translation yet)
Located in ./credits/credits.tex :88
type: section{#2}
Translated and reviewed by Hiroshi Tagawa
Located in ./backmatter/credits.tex :110
Vytautas Bačiulis \item Dmitry Belonogov \item Francisco Dieguez \item André Gondim \item Jiri Grönroos \item Mohamad Imran Ishak \item Martin Kaba \item The KanchiLUG Tamil translating team \item Kentaro Kazuhama \item James Kelly \item George Kontis \item Shushi Kurose \item Martin Lukeš \item Kostas Milonas \item Anwar Mohammed \item Abhijit Navale \item Emmanuel Ninos \item Robert Readman \item Roth Robert \item Daniel Schury \item Paulius Sladkevicius \item Pierre Slamich \item Fredrik Sudmann \item Muhd Syazwan \item Ralph Ulrich \item Chris Woollard \item John Xygonakis \item Konstantinos Zigourakis \item \ldots and many others
type: credits
(no translation yet)
Located in ./credits/credits.tex :111
Special Thanks
type: section{#2}
Special Thanks
Translated by Shushi Kurose
Reviewed by Kentaro Kazuhama
Located in ./credits/credits.tex :113
Chris\_Ilias \item Bo \item underpass \item jehurd \item cl58 \item kjhass \item djstsys \item mozilla\_help\_view\_project \item Joey-Elijah Alexithymia \item Jono Bacon \item Manualbot \item Chris Johnson \item Elan Kugelmass \item Elizabeth Krumbach \item Josh Leverette \item Walter Méndez \item Martin Owens \item Tim Penhey \item Andy Piper \item Alan Pope \item Matthew Paul Thomas
Alphabetical Order Please
type: credits
(no translation yet)
Located in ./credits/credits.tex :151
\begingroup\small\parskip0pt\parindent0pt\par The Ubuntu Documentation Team \par The Ubuntu Community Learning Project \endgroup
type: document
(no translation yet)
Located in ./credits/credits.tex :151
type: document
(no translation yet)
Located in ./backmatter/colophon.tex :8
\small \parindent0pt
type: fullwidth
(no translation yet)
Located in ./backmatter/colophon.tex :13
16411650 of 1659 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Japanese Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Hiroshi Tagawa, Kentaro Kazuhama, Koichi Akabe, Shushi Kurose, Yuuto Tokunaga, hmatsue, jugger Yamamoto.