Browsing Galician translation

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Ubuntu will then open a window for new device setup. When you click \button{Forward}, Ubuntu will open the second screen which will show you how many Bluetooth devices are present within the range of your system. The list of available devices might take a minute or so to appear on the screen as your system will be scanning for the devices. The scan and display is in real time, which means that every device will be displayed as soon as it is found. Click on the required Bluetooth device from the list of devices. Then, select the \acronym{PIN} number by selecting \button{PIN options}.
type: document
Ubuntu abrirá a xanela de configuración de novo dispositivo. Cando prema \button{Adiante}, Ubuntu abrirá a segunda pantalla que lle mostrará cantos dispositivos Bluetooth están presentes nun radio en volta do seu sistema. A lista dos dispositivos dispoñíbeis pode tardar un minuto en aparecer xa que o seu sistema ten que buscar os dispositivos. A análise e o mostrado son en tempo real o que significa que todos os dispositivos móstranse no momento en que se encontren. Prema sobre o dispositivo Bluetooth requirido da lista de dispositivos. Logo, seleccione o número de \acronym{PIN} seleccionando \button{opcións de PIN}.
Translated by keko
Located in ./prefs-hardware/other.tex :44
1220 of 1659 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Galician Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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