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3948 of 1659 results
\newglossaryentry{wireless connection}{name={wireless connection}, description={A wireless connection involves no cables of any sort and instead uses a wireless signal to communicate with either a \gls{router}, access point or computer.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :169
\newglossaryentry{Wubi}{name={Wubi}, description={Wubi stands for Windows Ubuntu Installer, and it allows you to install Ubuntu inside Windows. See page~\pageref{sec:installation:using-wubi} for more information.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :174
Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04
type: title{#1}
(no translation yet)
Located in main.tex:18
The Ubuntu Manual Team
type: author{#1}
تیم راهنمای اوبونتو
Translated and reviewed by jadi
Located in ubuntu-manual.tex:13
Half-title page
type: ifthenelse{#2}
(no translation yet)
Located in main.tex:27
type: document
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/copyright.tex :37
\pdfbookmark[0]{\titlepagecaption}{pdfbookmark:title-page} \frontcover
Title page
TRANSLATORS: do not translate this
type: document
(no translation yet)
Located in main.tex:31
type: document
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/copyright.tex :14
Copyright \textcopyright{} \the\year{} by The Ubuntu Manual Team. Some rights reserved. \ccbysa
type: document
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/copyright.tex :16
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution--Share Alike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, see \hyperref[ch:license]{Appendix~}\ref{ch:license}, visit \url{}, or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
type: copyrightpage
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/copyright.tex :13
3948 of 1659 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Persian Translation Reviewers, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Ali Broujerdi, Danial Behzadi, Mahmoud Khoursand, Mohammad Taghizadeh,, alamati, jadi, mohsen.