Opening multiple \application{Nautilus} windows can be useful for dragging files and folders between locations. The option of \emph{tabs} is also available in \application{Nautilus}, as well as the use of \emph{panes}. \marginnote{When dragging items between \application{Nautilus} windows, tabs or panes, a small symbol will appear over the mouse cursor to let you know which action will be performed when you release the mouse button. A plus sign (+) indicates you are about to copy the item, whereas a small arrow means the item will be moved. The default action will depend on the locations you are using.} When browsing a folder in \application{Nautilus}, to open a second window select \menu{File \then New Window} or press \keystroke{Ctrl+N}. This will open a new window, allowing you to drag files and folders between two locations. To open a new tab, click \menu{File \then New Tab} or press \keystroke{Ctrl+T}. A new row will appear above the space used for browsing your files containing two tabs\dash both will display the directory you were originally browsing. You can click these tabs to switch between them, and click and drag files or folders between tabs the same as you would between windows. You can also open a second pane in Nautilus so you can see two locations at once without having to switch between tabs or windows. To open a second pane, click \menu{View \then Extra Pane}, or press \keystroke{F3} on your keyboard. Again, dragging files and folders between panes is a quick way to move or copy items.