Browsing Danish translation

24 of 1659 results
\newglossaryentry{output}{name={output}, description={The output of a command is any text it displays on the next line after typing a command and pressing enter, \eg, if you type \commandlineapp{pwd} into a terminal and press \keystroke{Enter}, the directory name it displays on the next line is the output.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{output}{name={output}, description={En kommandos udskrift eller ``output'' er den tekst som vises på de næste linjer efter at kommandoen er tastet ind, og der er tastet \keystroke{Enter}. Hvis du f.eks.\ skriver \commandlineapp{pwd} i terminalen og taster \keystroke{Enter}, vises navnet på den aktuelle arbejdsmappe som udskrift.}}
Translated by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Reviewed by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :96
24 of 1659 results

This translation is managed by De danske oversættere af Ubuntu, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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