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2534 of 1659 results
\newglossaryentry{package}{name={package}, description={Packages contain software in a ready-to-install format. Most of the time you can use the \gls{Software Center} instead of manually installing packages. Packages have a .deb extension in Ubuntu.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :100
\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={panel}, description={A panel is a bar that sits on the edge of your screen. It contains \glspl{applet} which provide useful functions such as running programs, viewing the time, or accessing the main menu.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={panel}, plural={paneler}, description={Et panel er en bjælke, som ligger i kanten af din skærm. Den indeholder \glspl{applet} som giver adgang til nyttige funktioner såsom start af programmer, ur og adgang til hovedmenuen.}}
Translated by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Reviewed by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :104
\newglossaryentry{parameter}{name={parameter}, description={Parameters are special options that you can use with other commands in the terminal to make that command behave differently, this can make a lot of commands far more useful.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{parameter}{name={parameter}, description={Parametre er kommandotilvalg, der styrer funktionen af kommandoer i terminalen. Dette gør mange kommandoer langt mere fleksible.}}
Translated by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Reviewed by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :108
\newglossaryentry{partition}{name={partition}, description={A partition is an area of allocated space on a hard drive where you can put data.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :111
\newglossaryentry{partitioning}{name={partitioning}, description={\gls{partitioning} is the process of creating a \gls{partition}.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :114
\newglossaryentry{prompt}{name={prompt}, description={The prompt displays some useful information about your computer, it can be customized to display in different colors as well as being able to display the time, date and current directory as well as almost anything else you like.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{prompt}{name={prompt}, description={Prompten viser nyttig information om din computer. Den kan tilpasses til at bruge forskellige farver, vise tid, dato, den nuværende mappe samt meget andet.}}
Translated by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Reviewed by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :126
\newglossaryentry{proprietary}{name={proprietary}, description={Software made by companies that don't release their source code under an open source license.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :128
\newglossaryentry{router}{name={router}, description={A router is a specially designed computer that using its software and hardware, routes information from the Internet to a network. It is also sometimes called a gateway.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :133
\newglossaryentry{server}{name={server}, description={A server is a computer that runs a specialized operating system and provides services to computers that connect to it and make a request.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{server}{name={server}, plural={servere}, description={En server er en computer med et specialiseret operativsystem, som leverer tjenester til computere, der forbinder til den med forespørgsler.}}
Translated by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Reviewed by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :136
\newglossaryentry{shell}{name={shell}, description={The \gls{terminal} gives access to the shell, when you type a command into the terminal and press enter the shell takes that command and performs the relevant action.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{shell}{name={shell}, description={I \gls{terminal}en arbejder man i en "shell" (skal). Når man indtaster en kommando i terminalen og taster "Enter", fortolker shell'en kommandoen og udfører den relevante opgave.}}
Translated by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Reviewed by Ask Hjorth Larsen
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :140
2534 of 1659 results

This translation is managed by De danske oversættere af Ubuntu, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: AJenbo, Aputsiak Niels Janussen, Ask Hjorth Larsen, Bui Arantsson, CFPS, Daniel Ejsing-Duun, Emil Lagoni, Joe Hansen, Kim Hansen, Lars Christian Jensen, Lasse Lykkegaard, Meinertz, Niels Hansen, Pillum, Søren Olesen, Thomas Poulsen.