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1928 of 1659 results
\newglossaryentry{Live CD}{name={Live CD}, description={A \gls{Live CD} allows you to try out an operating system before you actually install it, this is useful for testing your hardware, diagnosing problems and recovering your system.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :78
\newglossaryentry{maximize}{name={\emph{maximize}}, description={When you maximize an application in Ubuntu it will fill the whole desktop, excluding the panels.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{maximize}{name={\emph{maximalizace}}, description={Maximalizováním aplikace v Ubuntu ji roztáhnete přes celou plochu monitoru, s výjimkou \gls{panel}ů.}, plural={maximaliz}}
Translated and reviewed by Martin Lukeš
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :83
\newglossaryentry{MeMenu}{name={MeMenu}, description={The MeMenu in Ubuntu 10.04 allows you to manage your presence on social networking services. It also allows you to publish status messages to all of your accounts by entering updates into a text field.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{MeMenu}{name={MeMenu}, description={V Ubuntu 10.04 můžete pomocí programu MeMenu hromadně ovlivňovat svou přítomnost na sociálních sítích. A to i včetně status zpráv jejich pouhým vyplněním do textového pole.}}
Translated by Martin Lukeš
Reviewed by Tomáš Velecký
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :86
\newglossaryentry{minimize}{name={minimize}, description={When you minimize an open application, the window will no longer be shown. If you click on a minimized application's panel button, it will then be restored to its normal state and allow you to interact with it.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :88
\newglossaryentry{notification area}{name={notification area}, description={The notification area is an applet on the panel that provides you with all sorts of information such as volume control, the current song playing in Rhythmbox, your Internet connection status and email status.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :91
\newglossaryentry{output}{name={output}, description={The output of a command is any text it displays on the next line after typing a command and pressing enter, \eg, if you type \commandlineapp{pwd} into a terminal and press \keystroke{Enter}, the directory name it displays on the next line is the output.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{output}{name={výstup}, description={Výstup příkazu je jakýkoliv text, který program vypíše po zadání názvu programu a stisknutí klávesy \keystroke{Enter}. Pokud do terminálu napíšete například \commandlineapp{pwd} a stisknete klávesu \keystroke{Enter}, zobrazí se na výstupu název aktuální složky.}}
Translated by Martin Lukeš
Reviewed by Tomáš Velecký
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :96
\newglossaryentry{package}{name={package}, description={Packages contain software in a ready-to-install format. Most of the time you can use the \gls{Software Center} instead of manually installing packages. Packages have a .deb extension in Ubuntu.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :100
\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={panel}, description={A panel is a bar that sits on the edge of your screen. It contains \glspl{applet} which provide useful functions such as running programs, viewing the time, or accessing the main menu.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{panel}{name={panel}, description={Panel je lišta na okraji obrazovky sloužící k umisťování \gls{applet}ů, které mohou poskytovat různé užitečné funkce, jako spouštění programů, zobrazování hodin, nebo přístup k hlavnímu menu.}}
Translated by Martin Lukeš
Reviewed by Tomáš Velecký
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :104
\newglossaryentry{parameter}{name={parameter}, description={Parameters are special options that you can use with other commands in the terminal to make that command behave differently, this can make a lot of commands far more useful.}}
type: Plain text
\newglossaryentry{parameter}{name={parametr}, description={Parametry jsou speciální volby některých příkazů v terminálu. Díky těmto parametrům se příkazy dají využít jinak a jsou mnohem užitečnější.}, plural={parametry}}
Translated by Martin Lukeš
Reviewed by Tomáš Velecký
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :108
\newglossaryentry{partition}{name={partition}, description={A partition is an area of allocated space on a hard drive where you can put data.}}
type: Plain text
(no translation yet)
Located in ./frontmatter/glossary-entries.tex :111
1928 of 1659 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Czech Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Drahomír Přikryl, Jakub Zlamal, Jaroslav Koci, Jiří Kouba, Jiří Novák, Konki, Ladislav, Martin Lukeš, Martin Volf, Pavel Borecki, Tomáš Velecký, Vava;, Vítězslav Praks, georgenos, thunder54.