Translations by Dražen Matešić

Dražen Matešić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 779 results
external ref='figures/unity-windows.png' md5='1bf2ad7c20e03a4ccfa629a77984ac94'
external ref='figures/unity-windows.png' md5='1bf2ad7c20e03a4ccfa629a77984ac94'
Use the <link xref="unity-dash-photos">photos lens</link> to view photos from your computer or from your social networks.
Uporabite <link xref="unity-dash-photos">lečo fotografije</link> za ogled fotografij na svojem računalniku ali s svojih družabnih omrežij.
Enter your credentials in <link xref="accounts">Online Accounts</link> to easily set up online integration for the Dash, Empathy, and more.
Vnesite svoja poverila v <link xref="accounts">Spletne račune</link> za enostavno nastavitev spletne podpore za Pregledno ploščo, Empathy in več.
Right-clicking on a search result in the <gui>Dash</gui> will display a full-screen preview with more information.
Desni klik na rezultat iskanja v <gui>Pregledni plošči</gui> bo prikazalo celozaslonski predogled z več podrobnostmi.
The <link xref="keyboard-layouts">integrated <gui>Text Entry</gui> interface</link> and the related input source <link xref="unity-menubar-intro#status-menus"> status menu</link> are designed to set both keyboard layout and IBus input methods.
<link xref="keyboard-layouts">Enovit vmesnik za <gui>vnos besedila</gui></link> in povezane vhodne vire v <link xref="unity-menubar-intro#status-menus"> meniju stanja</link> so zasnovani za nastavitev tako razporeditve tipkovnice kot načine vnosa IBus.
The <gui>Dash</gui> may now search dozens of different online sources simultaneously. The Internet-based searches <link xref="unity-shopping">may be disabled</link>.
<gui>Pregledna plošča</gui> lahko sedaj išče po ducatu različnih spletnih virov hkrati. Iskanje po spletu <link xref="unity-shopping">se lahko onemogoči</link>.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS continues the evolution of the <em>Unity</em> interface. Below are a few highlights of changes since Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS nadaljuje z evolucijo vmesnika <em>Unity</em>. Spodaj je nekaj poudarkov od različice Ubuntu 12.04 LTS:
The <gui>Dash</gui> search results may be filtered by category and source..
<gui>Pregledna plošča</gui> lahko filtrira rezultate iskanja po kategoriji in viru ...
Improved look and style including rounded window decorations, a new interface for screen unlock, and other tweaks to the theme.
Izboljšan videz in slog, vključno z zaobljenimi okraski okna, novim vmesnikom za zaklep zaslona in drugimi prilagoditvami teme.
The menus of the currently focused application are by default available in Ubuntu's integrated <link xref="unity-menubar-intro#app-menus">menu bar</link>. However, if you want you can switch to the conventional style and show the app menus in the window title bar of respective application instead (this latter option is new since Ubuntu 13.10).
Menije programa v žarišču so privzeto na voljo v Ubuntujevi <link xref="unity-menubar-intro#app-menus">menijski vrstici</link>. Če želite pa lahko preklopite na klasični način in pokažete menije programa v naslovni vrstici okna (zadnja možnost je na voljo od Ubuntu 13.10).
A number of improvements have been made to the <gui>Dash</gui>:
Veliko izboljšav je bilo narejenih na <gui>Pregledni plošči</gui>:
Support added for scaling Unity on a per-monitor basis, which allows for a better experience on high-DPI displays. Similar scaling support is also available in LibreOffice and Chromium.
Dodana je podpora za spreminjanje velikosti Unityja, ki vam omogoča boljšo izkušnjo na zaslonih z visokim številom pik na palec (DPI). Podobno spreminjanje velikosti je na voljo v LibreOfficeu in Chromiumu.
Right clicking on a Launcher icon will reveal a menu of actions. The actions available depend on whether the icon is locked to the launcher or not, if the icons is for an application whether it's running or not, and on the specific icon itself. Available actions can include the following.
Desni klik na ikono na Zaganjalnika vam odkrije meni dejanj. Dejanja na voljo so odvisna od tega ali je ikona na zaganjalniku zaklenjena ali ne, če je ikona za program ali se ta izvaja. Dejanja, ki so na voljo so naslednja.
Select the desired Bluetooth file sharing and receiving options options from the list.
Na seznamu izberite želene možnosti za souporabo datotek prek Bluetootha in možnosti prejemanja.
What's new in Ubuntu 14.04?
Kaj je novega v Ubuntu 14.04?
external ref='figures/unity-overview.png' md5='9ef8894d62d387b08d02eec62ae6953d'
external ref='figures/unity-overview.png' md5='9ef8894d62d387b08d02eec62ae6953d'
Browse messages from your social networks with the new <link xref="unity-dash-friends">Friends scope</link>.
Brskajte po sporočilih vaših družabnih omrežij z <link xref="unity-dash-friends">virom Prijatelji</link>.
Add or remove scopes from the <gui>Dash</gui> to customize your experience.
Prilagodite svojo izkušnjo z dodajanjem ali odstranjevanjem virov iz <gui>Pregledne plošče</gui>.
Click the gear button in the toolbar and pick <gui>Bookmark this Location</gui>.
V orodni vrstici kliknite na ikono zobnika in izberite <gui>Zaznamuj to mesto</gui>.
When you're happy with the search parameters, click the ⚙ gear button and select <gui>Save Search As</gui>.
Ko ste s parametri iskanja zadovoljni, kliknite na gumb zobnika ⚙ in izberite <gui>Shrani iskanje kot</gui>.
If you renamed the wrong file, or named your file improperly, you can undo the rename. To revert the action, immediately click the gear button in the toolbar and select <gui>Undo</gui> to restore the former name.
Če ste preimenovali napačno datoteko ali pa ste datoteko nepravilno preimenovali, lahko preimenovanje razveljavite. Za povrnitev dejanja nemudoma kliknite na ikono zobnika in izberite <gui> Razveljavi</gui> in s tem obnovite prejšnje ime.
Click the gear button in the toolbar and pick <gui>Paste</gui> to finish moving the file, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. The file will be taken out of its original folder and moved to the other folder.
Za končanje premikanja datoteke kliknite na ikono zobnika v orodni vrstici in izberite <gui>Prilepi</gui> ali pritisnite <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. Sedaj bo bila datoteka iz izvirni mapi premaknjena v drugo mapo.
Click the gear icon and pick <gui>Paste</gui> to finish copying the file, or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. There will now be a copy of the file in the original folder and the other folder.
Za končanje kopiranja datoteke kliknite na ikono zobnika in izberite <gui>Prilepi</gui> ali pritisnite <keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>V</key></keyseq>. Sedaj bo kopija datoteke v izvirni mapi in v drugi mapi.
GNOME provides the <app>Orca</app> screen reader to display the user interface on a refreshable Braille display. Depending on how you installed GNOME, you might not have Orca installed. <link href="apt:gnome-orca">Install Orca</link>, then refer to the <link href="help:gnome-orca">Orca Help</link> for more information.
GNOME ponuja bralnik zaslona <app>Orka</app>, ki prikazuje uporabniški vmesnik na osvežljivem Brailovem zaslonu. Če na vašem sistemu Orka ni nameščena, <link href="apt:gnome-orca">Namestite Orko</link>, nato si lahko za več podrobnosti ogledate <link href="help:gnome-orca>Pomoč Orka</link.
Click your name on the menu bar and select <gui>System Settings</gui>.
Kliknite na svoje ime v menijski vrstici in izberite <gui>Sistemske nastavitve</gui>.
When you hover your mouse pointer over a button and don't move it, it will gradually change color. When it has fully changed color, the button will be clicked.
Ko miško držite nad gumbom in je ne premikate bo postopoma spreminjala barvo. Ko je barva popolnoma spremenjena, bo bil gumb kliknjen.
Switch <gui>Large Text</gui> to <gui>ON</gui>.
Preklopite <gui>Veliko besedilo</gui> na <gui>Vključeno</gui>.
GNOME provides the <app>Orca</app> screen reader to speak the user interface. Depending on how you installed GNOME, you might not have Orca installed. <link href="apt:gnome-orca">Install Orca</link>, and then refer to the <link href="help:gnome-orca">Orca Help</link> for more information.
GNOME ponuja bralnik zaslona <app>Orka</app>, ki izgovarja kar je na uporabniškem vmesniku. Če na vašem sistemu Orka ni nameščena, <link href="apt:gnome-orca">Namestite Orko</link>, nato si lahko za več podrobnosti ogledate <link href="help:gnome-orca">Pomoč Orka</link.
Under <gui>Enable by Keyboard</gui>, select <gui>Turn on accessibility features from the keyboard</gui> to turn slow keys on and off from the keyboard. When this option is selected, you can press and hold <key>Shift</key> for eight seconds to enable or disable slow keys.
Pod <gui>Omogočite prek tipkovnice</gui> izberite <gui>Vključite razpoložljive funkcije dostopnosti prek tipkovnice</gui> za vklop ter izklop počasnih tipk prek tipkovnice. Ko je ta možnost izbrana, pritisnite ter držite tipko <key>Shift</key> osem sekund da bi omogočili oziroma onemogočili počasne tipke.
Under <gui>Enable by Keyboard</gui>, select <gui>Turn on accessibility features from the keyboard</gui> to turn sticky keys on and off from the keyboard. When this option is selected, you can press <key>Shift</key> five times in a row to enable or disable sticky keys.
Pod <gui>Omogočite prek tipkovnice</gui> izberite <gui>Vključite razpoložljive funkcije dostopnosti prek tipkovnice</gui> za vklop ter izklop lepljivih tipk prek tipkovnice.Ko je ta možnost izbrana, pritisnite tipko <key>Shift</key> petkrat da bi omogočili oziroma onemogočili lepljive tipke.
This can also be useful if you're in an environment where you need your computer to be silent, such as in a library (see <link xref="sound-alert"/> to learn how to mute the alert sound).
To je lahko uporabno, če se nahajate v okolju, kjer ne želite da se vaš računalnik oglaša kot npr. v knjižnici (oglejte si <link xref="sound-alert"/> kako utišati zvok opozorila).
Switch <gui>Visual Alerts</gui> on. Select whether you want the entire screen or just your current window title to flash.
Vključite <gui>Vidna opozorila</gui>. Izberite ali želite da celoten zaslon ali samo naslov trenutnega okno utripa.
A few tips on using the Ubuntu Desktop Guide.
Nekaj nasvetov o uporabi Namiznega vodnika Ubuntu.
This guide gives you a tour of Ubuntu desktop features, answers your computer-related questions, and provides tips on using your computer effectively.
Ta vodnik vas popelje po zmožnostih namizja Ubuntu, odgovori vam na vaša računalniško povezana vprašanja in vam priskrbi namige o učinkoviti rabi računalnika.
The guide is divided into small, task-oriented topics - not chapters. This means that you don't need to skim through an entire manual to find answers to your questions.
Vodnik je razdeljen na več manjših, na opravila usmerjenih tem in ne poglavij. To pomeni, da ne rabite pregledati cel priročnik, da bi našli odgovor na svoje vprašanje.
Related items are linked together. "See Also" links at the bottom of some pages direct you to related topics.
Sorodni predmeti so povezani. Povezave na dnu nekaterih strani, poimenovane "Nadaljnje branje" vas bodo usmerile na sorodne teme.
The text input box at the top of this guide acts as a <em>search bar</em>, and relevant results will appear beneath it as soon as you start typing. Left-click on any result to open its page.
Vnosno polje na vrhu tega vodnika deluje kot <em>iskalna vrstica</em>. Ko začnete pisati, se bodo pojavili ustrezni rezultati iskanja. Da bi odprli stran, levo kliknite na katerikoli rezultat.
The guide is constantly being improved. Although we attempt to provide you with a comprehensive collection of helpful information, we know we won't answer all of your questions here. We will keep adding more information to make things more helpful, though.
Ta vodnik se stalno posodablja. Čeprav poskušamo zagotoviti izčrpno zbirko podatkov, vemo, da tukaj ne bomo odgovorili na vsa vaša vprašanja. Vseeno bomo stalno dodajali več stvari, da vam bo vodnik v večjo pomoč.
-- The Ubuntu Documentation team
-- Ekipa dokumentacije Ubuntu
Greg Beam
Greg Beam
<link xref="accounts-add">Add accounts, </link> <link xref="accounts-remove">Remove accounts, </link> <link xref="accounts-disable-service">Disable services</link>
<link xref="accounts-add">Dodaj račune, </link> <link xref="accounts-remove">Odstrani račune, </link> <link xref="accounts-disable-service">Onemogoči storitve</link>
You can enter your login details for online services, such as Google and Facebook, into the <app>Online Accounts</app> application. This will let you access your calendar, mail, chat accounts, and similar applications without having to enter your account details again.
Svoje prijavne podrobnosti za spletno storitev, kot sta Google in Facebook, lahko vnesete v program <app>Spletni računi</app>. Tako boste pridobili dostop do koledarja, e-pošte, računov za klepet in podobnih programov, brez da bi še enkrat vnašali podrobnosti svojega računa.
Connect to online accounts
Poveži se s spletnimi računi
Adding an account will help link your online accounts with your Ubuntu desktop. Thus, your email, chat, and other related applications will be set up for you.
Dodajanje računa bo pomagalo povezati vaše spletni račun z vašim namizjem Ubuntu. Tako bodo vaša e-pošta, klepet in drugi sorodni programi nastavljeni za vas.
Select <gui>Online Accounts</gui>.
Izberite <gui>Spletni računi</gui>.
Select an <gui>Account Type</gui> from the right hand windowpane.
Izberite <gui>Vrsta računa</gui> iz pladnja na desni strani.
If you want to configure more accounts, you can repeat this process afterwards.
Če želite nastaviti več računov, preprosto ponovite opravljene korake.
A small web user interface will open where you can enter your online account credentials. For example, if you are setting up a Google account, enter your Google username, password and sign in.
Odprl se bo majhen spletni vmesnik, kjer vnesete svoja poverila za spletni račun. Na primer, če se želite povezati z računom Google, vnesite uporabniško ime ter geslo za Google ter se prijavite.
If you entered your credentials correctly, you will be prompted to accept the terms. Select <gui>Accept</gui> to continue. Once accepted, Ubuntu needs permission to access your account. To allow access, click on the <gui>Grant Access</gui> button. When prompted, enter the current users password.
Če ste vnesli prava poverila, boste bili pozvani da sprejmete pogoje uporabe. Za nadaljevanje izberite <gui>Sprejmem</gui>. Ko sprejmete pogoje, Ubuntu potrebuje vaše dovoljenje za dostop do računa. Če želite dovoliti, kliknite na gumb <gui>Dovoli dostop</gui>. Ko boste pozvani, vpišite geslo trenutnega uporabnika.
Now you can select the applications you want linked to your online account. For example, if you want to use an online account for chat, but do not want the calendar, turn the <gui>calendar</gui> option off.
Sedaj lahko izberete programe, ki jih želite povezani s svojim spletnim računom. Na primer, če želite uporabiti spletni račun za klepet in ne želite koledarja potem možnost <gui>koledarja</gui> izključite.