Translations by tr43nd

tr43nd has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

123 of 23 results
You can show a full folder tree in your file manager sidebar by selecting <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Sidebar</gui><gui>Tree</gui></guiseq>. By default, the tree sidebar only shows folders. If you want to show files in the sidebar as well, turn <gui>Show only folders</gui> off.
Lahko prikažete celotno drevo mape v stranski vrstici v upravitelju datotek, da izberete <guiseq><gui>View</gui><gui>Sidebar</gui><gui>Tree</gui></guiseq>. Privzeto, drevo stranske vrstice kaže samo mape. Če želite prikazati datoteke v tudi v stranski vrstici <gui>Show only folders</gui> off.
Proprietary device drivers are not freely available or open source.
Lastniški gonilniki niso na voljo brezplačno ali odprtokodni.
File manager trash preferences
Upravitelj datotek nastavitve koša
You can connect to a server or network share to browse and view files on that server, exactly as if they were on your own computer. This is a convenient way to download or upload files on the internet, or to share files with other people on your local network.
Lahko se povežete na strežnik ali deljeno omrežje za brskanje in ogled datotek na tem strežniku točno tako, kot če bi bili na svojem računalniku. To je priročen način za prenos ali nalaganje datotek na internetu ali za izmenjavo datotek z drugimi ljudmi v vašem lokalnem omrežju.
You can rename the file by changing this field. You can also rename a file outside the properties window. See <link xref="files-rename"/>.
Lahko preimenujete datoteko s spremembo na tem področju. Prav tako lahko preimenujete datoteko izven lastnosti okna. Glejte <link xref="datoteke-preimenovanje"/>.
This helps you identify the type of the file, such as PDF document, OpenDocument Text, or JPEG image. The file type determines which applications can open the file, among other things. For example, you can't open a picture with a music player. See <link xref="files-open"/> for more information on this.
To vam pomaga določiti vrste datotek kot so PDF dokument, OpenDocument Text ali JPEG slike. Vrsta datoteke določa, katere aplikacije lahko odprejo datoteko, med drugim. Na primer ne morete odpreti sliko s predvajalnikom glasbe. Glejte <link xref="datoteke-odpri"/> za več informacij o tem.
The <em>MIME type</em> of the file is shown in parentheses; MIME type is a standard way that computers use to refer to the file type.
Ta <em>MIME tip</em> je datoteka prikazana v oklepaju; MIME vrsta je standardni način, ki jo računalniki uporabljajo za sklicevanje na vrsto datoteke.
This field is displayed if you are looking at the properties of a folder rather than a file. It helps you see the number of items in the folder. If the folder includes other folders, each inner folder is counted as one item, even if it contains further items. Each file is also counted as one item. If the folder is empty, the contents will display <gui>nothing</gui>.
To polje se prikaže, če ste iskali na lastnosti mape ne datoteke. Pomaga vam videti število elementov v mapi. Če mapa vsebuje druge mape se posamezne notranje mape štejejo kot ena točka, tudi če vsebujejo še druge podatke. Vsaka datoteka se prav tako šteje kot ena točka. Če je mapa prazna se bo vsebina prikazala <gui>ničesar</gui>.
This field is displayed if you are looking at a file (not a folder). The size of a file tells you how much disk space it takes up. This is also an indicator of how long it will take to download a file or send it in an email (big files take longer to send/receive).
To polje se prikaže, če ste iskali po datotekah (ne po mapah). Velikost datotek vam pove, koliko prostora na disku zasedajo. To je tudi pokazatelj, kako dolgo bo trajalo, da prenesete datoteko ali jo pošljete na email (velike datoteke zahtevajo več časa za pošiljanje/prejemanje).
Sizes may be given in bytes, KB, MB, or GB; in the case of the last three, the size in bytes will also be given in parentheses. Technically, 1 KB is 1024 bytes, 1 MB is 1024 KB and so on.
Velikosti je lahko v bajtih, KB, MB, or GB; v primeru zadnjih treh bo velikost v bajtih podana tudi v oklepaju. Tehnično, 1 KB je 1024 bajtov, 1 MB is 1024 KB in tako dalje.
The location of each file on your computer is given by its <em>absolute path</em>. This is a unique "address" of the file on your computer, made up of a list of the folders that you would need to go into to find the file. For example, if Jim had a file called <file>Resume.pdf</file> in his Home folder, its location would be <file>/home/jim/Resume.pdf</file>.
Lokacija vsake datoteke na vašem računalniku je podana z <em>absolutna pot</em>. To je edinstven "naslov" datoteke na vašem računalniku, sestavlja seznam map,ki je potreben, da se datoteka najde. Na primer, če ima Jim datoteko z imenom <file>Resume.pdf</file> v njegovi Domači mapi, bo njena lokacija <file>/home/jim/Resume.pdf</file>.
The file system or device that the file is stored on. This shows you where the file is physically stored, for example if it is on the hard disk or on a CD, or a <link xref="nautilus-connect">network share or file server</link>. Hard disks can be split up into several <link xref="disk-partitions">disk partitions</link>; the partition will be displayed under <gui>Volume</gui> too.
Datotečni sistem ali naprava na katerem je datoteka shranjena. To vam pokaže, kje je datoteka fizično shranjena, na primer, če je na trdem disku ali na CD-ju, ali <link xref="nautilus-connect">network share or file server</link>. Trdi diski se lahko razdeli na več <link xref="disk partitions">disk partitions</link>; particije bodo prikazane pod <gui>Volume</gui> too.
This is only displayed for folders. It gives the amount of disk space which is available on the disk that the folder is on. This is useful for checking if the hard disk is full.
To je prikazano samo za mape. Daje količino prostora na disku, ki je na voljo na disku, da je mapa na njemu. To je uporabno za preverjanje, če trdi disk je poln.
You need to specify the right network port to enable/disable network access for a program with your firewall.
Morate določiti pravico do vrat omrežja omogočiti / onemogočiti dostop do omrežja za program, z vašim požarnim zididom.
Commonly-used network ports
Pogosto uporabljena vrata omrežja
Allows systems to find each other, and describe which services they offer, without you having to specify the details manually.
Omogoča sistemom, da lahko najdejo drug drugega in opišejo, katera je storitev, ki jih ponujajo ne da bi vam bilo treba navesti podrobnosti ročno.
Allows you to send print jobs to a printer over the network.
Omogoča pošiljanje tiskalniških opravil na tiskalnik preko omrežja.
Allows you to share your printer with other people over the network.
Omogoča skupno rabo tiskalnika z drugimi osebami preko omrežja.
Allows you to advertise your instant messaging status to other people on the network, such as "online" or "busy".
Omogoča vam oglaševati vašo takojšnje sporočanje stanja z drugimi ljudmi v omrežju kot so "online" ali "zasedeno".
Allows you to share your desktop so other people can view it or provide remote assistance.
Omogoča vam, da delite svoje namizje, tako da si ga lahko drugi ljudje ogledajo ali zagotavljajo pomoč na daljavo.
Music sharing (DAAP)
Izmenjava glasbe (DAAP)
Allows you to share your music library with others on your network.
Omogoča vam, da delite svojo glasbeno knjižnico z drugimi v omrežju.
To give your computer a fixed (static) IP address:
Da vašemu računalniku fiksni (statični) IP naslov: