Browsing Norwegian Bokmal translation

14711480 of 1482 results
&Search description too
(no translation yet)
Located in taskcoachlib/widgets/
Search both subject and description
Søk både i emne og beskrivelse
Translated by Smart Viking
Located in taskcoachlib/widgets/
&Regular Expression
(no translation yet)
Located in taskcoachlib/widgets/
Consider search text as a regular expression
(no translation yet)
Located in taskcoachlib/widgets/
This is an invalid regular expression.
Det regelbaserte uttrykket er ikke gyldig
Translated by Smart Viking
Located in taskcoachlib/widgets/
Defaulting to substring search.
Faller tilbake til søk med del av tekststreng
Translated by Smart Viking
Located in taskcoachlib/widgets/
Recent searches
Sist utførte søk
Translated by Smart Viking
Gamle søk
Norwegian Nynorsk in Task Coach 1.4 by Karl Ove Hufthammer
Located in taskcoachlib/widgets/
Viewer not searchable
Kan ikke søke i denne visningen
Translated by Smart Viking
Located in taskcoachlib/widgets/
Compatibility warning
Translated by Smart Viking
Located in taskcoachlib/widgets/
The SyncML feature is disabled, because the module
could not be loaded. This may be because your platform
is not supported, or under Windows, you may be missing
some mandatory DLLs. Please see the SyncML section of
the online help for details (under "Troubleshooting").
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
SyncML-funksjonen er skrudd av fordi tilhørende
modul ikke kunne startes. Dette kan skyldes at
operativsystemet ikke er støttet eller, dersom du
bruker Windows, at noen dll-filer mangler. Detaljer
finner du i SyncML-seksjonen i hjelp (under "Feilsøking").
Translated by Smart Viking
Located in taskcoachlib/widgets/
14711480 of 1482 results

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Contributors to this translation: A, Jérôme Laheurte, Smart Viking.