Translations by Jérôme Laheurte
Jérôme Laheurte has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
3. |
Errors have occured. Please see "%s"
2014-08-11 |
Errors have occurred. Please see "%s"
6. |
Task Coach
2014-08-11 |
Task Coach
7. |
"%s" became top-level because its parent was locally deleted.
2014-08-11 |
"%s" became top-level because its parent was locally deleted.
8. |
Conflicts detected for "%s".
The local version was used.
2014-08-11 |
Conflicts detected for "%s".
The local version was used.
24. |
Paste as subitem
2014-08-11 |
Paste as sub-item
25. |
Paste as subitem of "%s"
2014-08-11 |
Paste as sub item of "%s"
62. |
New subnotes
2014-08-11 |
New sub-notes
63. |
New subnote of "%s"
2014-08-11 |
New sub-note of "%s"
64. |
New subnote
2014-08-11 |
New sub-note
71. |
Add subnote
2014-08-11 |
Add sub-note
72. |
Add subnote to "%s"
2014-08-11 |
Add sub-note to "%s"
144. |
1.5 hour
2014-08-11 |
1.5 hour
374. |
An iPhone or iPod Touch device is trying
to synchronize with this task file for
the first time. What kind of synchronization
would you like to use?
2014-08-11 |
An iPhone or iPod Touch device is trying
to synchronise with this task file for
the first time. What kind of synchronisation
would you like to use?
378. |
You have enabled the iPhone synchronization feature, which
needs Bonjour. Bonjour does not seem to be installed on
your system.
2014-08-11 |
You have enabled the iPhone synchronisation feature, which
needs Bonjour. Bonjour does not seem to be installed on
your system.
381. |
Bonjour support for Linux is generally provided by
2014-08-11 |
Bonjour support for Linux is generally provided by
390. |
Auto load when the file changes on disk
2014-08-11 |
Auto load when the file changes on disk
391. |
Smart filesystem monitoring
2014-08-11 |
Smart filesystem monitoring
392. |
Try to detect changes to the task file in real time.
Do not check this if your task file is on a network share.
You must restart %s after changing this.
2014-08-11 |
Try to detect changes to the task file in real time.
Do not check this if your task file is on a network share.
You must restart %s after changing this.
402. |
Window behavior
2014-08-11 |
Window behaviour
403. |
Show splash screen on startup
2014-08-11 |
Show splash screen on start-up
404. |
Show tips window on startup
2014-08-11 |
Show tips window on start-up
405. |
Start with the main window iconized
2014-08-11 |
Start with the main window iconised
408. |
If it was iconized last session
2014-08-11 |
If it was iconised last session
409. |
Check for new version of %(name)s on startup
2014-08-11 |
Check for new version of %(name)s on start-up
410. |
Check for messages from the %(name)s developers on startup
2014-08-11 |
Check for messages from the %(name)s developers on start-up
411. |
Hide main window when iconized
2014-08-11 |
Hide main window when iconised
423. |
Enable iPhone synchronization
2014-08-11 |
Enable iPhone synchronisation
433. |
In popup-menus for time selection (e.g. for setting the start
time of an effort) %(name)s will suggest times using this
setting. The smaller the number of minutes, the more times
are suggested. Of course, you can also enter any time you
want beside the suggested times.
2014-08-11 |
In pop-up menus for time selection (e.g. for setting the start
time of an effort) %(name)s will suggest times using this
setting. The smaller the number of minutes, the more times
are suggested. Of course, you can also enter any time you
want beside the suggested times.
470. |
Password for synchronization with iPhone
2014-08-11 |
Password for synchronisation with iPhone
474. |
Show the synchronization log
2014-08-11 |
Show the synchronisation log
495. |
Enable tasks synchronization
2014-08-11 |
Enable tasks synchronisation
497. |
Preferred synchronization mode
2014-08-11 |
Preferred synchronisation mode
504. |
Enable notes synchronization
2014-08-11 |
Enable notes synchronisation
526. |
Prerelease version
2014-08-11 |
Pre-release version
527. |
You are using %(name)s prerelease version %(currentVersion)s.
2014-08-11 |
You are using %(name)s pre-release version %(currentVersion)s.
531. |
If you experience random freeze at startup, please uncheck
the "Use X11 session management" in the Features tab of the preferences.
2014-08-11 |
If you experience random freeze at start-up, please uncheck
the "Use X11 session management" in the Features tab of the preferences.
532. |
Do not show this dialog at startup
2014-08-11 |
Do not show this dialog at start-up
558. |
Finished synchronization
2014-08-11 |
Finished synchronisation
559. |
Synchronization status
2014-08-11 |
Synchronisation status
572. |
2014-08-11 |
573. |
Synchronizing with %s...
2014-08-11 |
Synchronising with %s...
578. |
Synchronization type
2014-08-11 |
Synchronisation type
579. |
An iPhone or iPod Touch device tried to synchronize with this
task file, but the protocol negotiation failed. Please file a
bug report.
2014-08-11 |
An iPhone or iPod Touch device tried to synchronise with this
task file, but the protocol negotiation failed. Please file a
bug report.
650. |
Merge &disk changes Shift-Ctrl-M
2014-08-11 |
Merge &disk changes Shift-Ctrl-M
686. |
S&yncML synchronization...
2014-08-11 |
S&yncML synchronisation...
687. |
Synchronize with a SyncML server
2014-08-11 |
Synchronise with a SyncML server
694. |
P&aste as subitem Shift+Ctrl+V
2014-08-11 |
P&aste as sub-item Shift+Ctrl+V
700. |
Customize toolbar
2014-08-11 |
Customise toolbar
701. |
2014-08-11 |
728. |
&Delete Ctrl+DEL
2015-06-14 |
&Delete Ctrl+DEL