Installer shell session activated.

This shell session is running inside the installer environment. You 
will be returned to the installer when this shell is exited, for 
example by typing Control-D or 'exit'.

Be aware that this is an ephemeral environment. Changes to this 
environment will not survive a reboot. If the install has started, the 
installed system will be mounted at /target.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
A fost activată o sesiune de consolă la instalare.

Această sesiune rulează în interiorul mediului de instalare. Vei 
fi readus la programul de instalare după ieșire, tastând 
Control-D sau 'exit', spre exemplu.

Fii conștient de faptul că acesta este un mediu volatil. Orice schimbări 
aduse acestui mediu nu vor fi reținute după o repornire. Dacă instalarea a început, 
sistemul instalat va fi montat la /țintă.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrei Ionel
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Translated by
Andrei Ionel
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Andrei Ionel
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Translated by
Andrei Ionel
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Andrei Ionel
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Confirmation is required to continue.
Este nevoie de confirmare pentru a continua
Translated by
Andrei Ionel
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Andrei Ionel
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Add 'autoinstall' to your kernel command line to avoid this
Adaugă 'autoinstall' la linia de comandă a nucleului pentru a evita acest lucru
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Andrei Ionel
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Continue with autoinstall?
Continui cu autoinstalare?
Translated by
Andrei Ionel
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Andrei Ionel
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Importing keys failed:
Importarea cheilor a eșuat:
Translated by
Andrei Ionel
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Andrei Ionel
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ssh-keygen failed to show fingerprint of downloaded keys:
ssh-keygen nu a reușit să arate amprentele cheilor descărcate:
Translated by
Andrei Ionel
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Andrei Ionel
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Cannot edit {selflabel} as it is part of the {cdtype} {cdname}.
Nu se poate edita {selflabel} deoarece face parte din {cdtype} {cdname}.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrei Ionel
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Cannot edit pre-existing RAIDs.
Nu se pot edita RAID-uri deja existente.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrei Ionel
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