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4251 of 914 results
The minimum karma score for reviews
परीक्षणासाठी किमान कर्म धावसंख्या
Translated by Roddy Shuler
Located in data/
Reviews with karma less than this number will not be shown.
या आकड्यापेक्षा कमी कर्म पुनरावलोकने दर्शविली जाणार नाहीत.
Translated by Roddy Shuler
Located in data/
A list of official repositories that should not be considered 3rd party
(no translation yet)
Located in data/
A list of official repositories that should be considered free software
(no translation yet)
Located in data/
The licence URL to use when an application should be considered free software
अनुप्रयोग मुक्त सॉफ्टवेअर मानले पाहिजे याचा परवाना URL
Translated by Roddy Shuler
Located in data/
Install bundled applications for all users on the system where possible
(no translation yet)
Located in data/
Allow access to the Software Repositories dialog
(no translation yet)
Located in data/
Offer upgrades for pre-releases
प्री-रिलीजसाठी अद्यतने द्या
Translated by Roddy Shuler
Located in data/
Show some UI elements informing the user that an app is non-free
अनुप्रयोग अ-मुक्त आहे असे वापरकर्त्यास माहिती देण्याचे काही UI घटक दर्शवा
Translated by Roddy Shuler
Located in data/
Show the installed size for apps in the list of installed applications
(no translation yet)
Located in data/
4251 of 914 results

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Contributors to this translation: Roddy Shuler.