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If enabled, GNOME Software automatically downloads software updates in the background, also installing ones that do not require a reboot.
Ja ieslēgts, “GNOME programmatūra” fonā automātiski lejupielādēs atjauninājumus un instalēs tos, kuriem nav nepieciešama pārstartēšana.
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
| msgid "" | "If enabled, GNOME Software automatically downloads updates in the " | "background and prompts the user to install them when ready."
Located in data/
Notify the user about software updated in the background
Ziņot lietotājam par fonā atjaunināto programmatūru
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
Located in data/
If enabled, GNOME Software notifies the user about updates that happened whilst the user was idle.
Ja ieslēgts, “GNOME programmatūra” lietotājam ziņos par atjauninājumiem, kamēr lietotājs nav aktīvs.
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
Located in data/
Whether to automatically refresh when on a metered connection
Vai automātiski atsvaidzināt, kad ir uz savienojuma ar mērītāju
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
| msgid "Whether to automatically download updates"
Located in data/
If enabled, GNOME Software automatically refreshes in the background even when using a metered connection (eventually downloading some metadata, checking for updates, etc., which may incur in costs for the user).
Ja ieslēgts, “GNOME Programmatūra” automātiski atsvaidzina fonu, pat ja lieto savienojumu ar skaitītāju (dažkārt lejupielādējot kādus metadatus, pārbaudot atjauninājumus utt., kas var novest pie izmaksām lietotājam).
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
Located in data/
Whether it’s the very first run of GNOME Software
Vai šī ir pirmā “GNOME programmatūras” palaišanas reize
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
| msgid "Whether it's the very first run of GNOME Software"
Located in data/
Show star ratings next to applications
Pie lietotnēm rādīt vērtējumu
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
Located in data/
Filter applications based on the default branch set for the remote
Filtrēt lietotnes, balstoties uz noklusējuma zara kopu attālinātajam
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
Located in data/
Non-free applications show a warning dialog before install
Ne-brīvas lietotnes pirms instalēšanas rāda brīdinājuma dialoglodziņu
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
Located in data/
When non-free applications are installed a warning dialog can be shown. This controls if that dialog is suppressed.
Kad instalē nebrīvu lietotni, tiek rādīts brīdinājuma dialoglodziņš. Šis nosaka, vai dialoglodziņu nerādīt.
Translated by Sebastien Bacher
Located in data/
2130 of 914 results

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Contributors to this translation: Sebastien Bacher.