Execution of a block terminates when all statements in the block have terminated.
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If an ATL statement requires evaluation of an expression, such evaluation occurs when the transform is first added to the scene list. (Such as when using a show statement or ui function.)
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ATL Statements
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The following are the ATL statements.
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Interpolation Statement
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The interpolation statement is the main way that ATL controls transformations.
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The first part of the interpolation statement is used to select a function that time-warps the interpolation. (That is, a function from linear time to non-linear time.) This can either be done by giving the name of a warper registered with ATL, or by giving the keyword "warp" followed by an expression giving a function. Either case is followed by a number, giving the number of seconds the interpolation should take.
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If no warp function is given, the interpolation is run for 0 seconds, using the pause function.
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The warper and duration are used to compute a completion fraction. This is done by dividing the time taken by the interpolation by the duration of the interpolation. This is clamped to the duration, and then passed to the warper. The result returned by the warper is the completion fraction.
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The interpolation statement can then contain a number of other clauses. When a property and value are present, then the value is the value the property will obtain at the end of the statement. The value can be obtained in several ways:
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