Show version numbers of program and its libraries and exit.
Mostra a versão do programa e suas bibliotecas e sai.
Translated and reviewed by
Rubens Stuginski Jr
Located in
Display program information when run from the command line.
Exibir informações do programa quando executado a partir da linha de comando.
Translated and reviewed by
Andre Soares
Located in
Display debugging information when run from the command line.
Exibir informações de depuração quando executado a partir da linha de comando.
Translated and reviewed by
Andre Soares
Located in
List photo and video file extensions the program recognizes and exit.
Liste extensões de arquivos de fotos e vídeos que o programa reconhece e saia.
Translated and reviewed by
Andre Soares
Located in
Turn on or off the the renaming of photos.
Habilite ou desabilite o renomeador de fotos.
Translated and reviewed by
Andre Soares
Located in
Turn on or off the the renaming of videos.
Habilite ou desabilite o renomeador de vídeos.
Translated by
Damon Lynch
Located in
Turn on or off the automatic detection of devices from which to download.
Habilite ou desabilite a deteção automática de dispositivos para download.
Translated and reviewed by
Andre Soares
Located in
Turn on or off downloading from this computer.
Habilite ou desabilite o download a partir deste computador.
Translated and reviewed by
Andre Soares
Located in
Translated and reviewed by
Andre Soares
Located in
../raphodo/argumentsparse.py:119 ../raphodo/argumentsparse.py:126
../raphodo/argumentsparse.py:133 ../raphodo/argumentsparse.py:177
The PATH on this computer from which to download.
O CAMINHO neste computador que será feito o download.
Translated and reviewed by
Andre Soares
Located in