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110 of 507 results
Please wait while installing prerequisites.
(no translation yet)
Located in PlayOnLinux_Scripts/3D_Train_Studio_:29
When $TITLE download by Steam is finished,\nDo NOT click on Play.\n\nClose COMPLETELY the Steam interface, \nso that the installation script can continue.
(no translation yet)
Located in PlayOnLinux_Scripts/A.R.E.S.___Extinction_Agenda_:80 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Age_Of_Empires_II___HD_:47 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Call_Of_Juarez_Gunslinger_:48 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Call_Of_Juarez_Gunslinger_:55 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Call_of_Duty__Modern_Warfare_3_:48 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Counter_Strike__Global_Offensive_:55 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Dishonored_:72 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Hard_Reset__Steam__:45 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Kingdoms_of_Amalur___Reckoning_:75 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Kingdoms_of_Amalur___Reckoning_:80 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Mass_Effect_:68 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Payday_2_:31 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Prince_of_Persia___The_Forgotten_Sands_:67 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/System_Shock_2__Steam__:45
NOTICE: To register, when it opens asking for registration, drag-and-drop your reg file into $TITLE
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Located in PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Ableton_Live_8_:52 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Ableton_Live_9_:64
NOTICE: For low-latency audio, look into WineASIO.
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Located in PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Absynth_5_:53 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Guitar_Rig_5_:46
NOTICE: If you get an error saying that the installation failed, wait at least 5 minutes before closing it. PlayOnLinux will finish the install, even though it crashed.
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Located in PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Adobe_Fireworks_CS6_:51 PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Adobe_Photoshop_CS6_:51
NOTICE: Online updates and any 3D services do not work. If you want to update your install, you will need to download the update manually and install it in this virtual drive.
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Located in PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Adobe_Photoshop_CS6_:63
IMPORTANT: This program does NOT work well with most Intel graphics. It WILL crash. Nvidia and AMD proprietary drivers are REQUIRED in most cases.
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Located in PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Adobe_Photoshop_Lightroom_5_:28
PlayOnLinux will now install a few required programs, including IE6. Just click NEXT through IE install, as you usually would.
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Located in PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Adobe_Photoshop_Lightroom_5_:43
Please select the setup file
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Located in PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Age_Of_Empires_III_:37
Do you want to install the 2.0a Patch?
(no translation yet)
Located in PlayOnLinux_Scripts/Age_of_Empires_II___The_Age_of_Kings_:66
110 of 507 results

This translation is managed by Launchpad Simplified Chinese Translators, assigned by Launchpad Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Archie Liu, Tian Jing, Zhaofeng Li, 赵驰.