Browsing Serbian Latin translation

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716 of 624 results
The Pigeon Planner databases has been updated to match the current version. Note that it is not advised to run an older version, which can lead to data corruption.
(no translation yet)
Located in pigeonplanner/
The database migration has failed! Any further actions are stopped to prevent data loss. Please contact the developers to fix this problem.
(no translation yet)
Located in pigeonplanner/
Invalid image!
(no translation yet)
Located in pigeonplanner/
This image is either not supported or corrupt, please choose another one.
(no translation yet)
Located in pigeonplanner/
Loading image failed!
(no translation yet)
Located in pigeonplanner/
Maybe you have renamed the image or moved it on your disk.
(no translation yet)
Located in pigeonplanner/
This pigeon already exists, but isn't showing. Do you want to show it again?
(no translation yet)
Located in pigeonplanner/
This pigeon already exists. Overwrite it?
(no translation yet)
Located in pigeonplanner/
This pigeon already exists.
(no translation yet)
Located in pigeonplanner/
This pigeon doesn't exist. Do you want to add it?
(no translation yet)
Located in pigeonplanner/
716 of 624 results

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