Browsing Slovenian translation

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220229 of 373 results
Set whether "Discard bookmarks" should be enabled by default
(no translation yet)
Overwrite files
Prepiši datoteke
Translated and reviewed by Janez Gačnik
Set whether "Overwrite if already exists" should be enabled by default
Nastavite, ali želite, da je "Prepiši, če že obstaja" privzeto omogočeno
Translated and reviewed by Janez Gačnik
Play alert sounds
Predvajaj opozorilne zvoke
Translated and reviewed by Janez Gačnik
Turn on or off alert sounds
Vklop/izklop opozorilnega zvoka
Translated and reviewed by Janez Gačnik
Store passwords when saving a workspace file
Shrani gesla pri shranjevanju datoteke delovne površine
Translated and reviewed by Janez Gačnik
If an encrypted PDF document has been opened with a password, save the password in the workspace file
Če je bil šifriran dokument PDF odprt z geslom, geslo shrani v datoteko delovne površine
Translated and reviewed by Janez Gačnik
Show donation window
Prikaži okno za prispevke
Translated and reviewed by Janez Gačnik
Turn on or off the notification appearing once in a while and asking the user to support PDFsam with a donation
Izključi obvestilo, ki se vsake toliko pojavi in prosi uporabnika, da podpre PDFsam s prispevkom
Translated and reviewed by Janez Gačnik
Show premium features
Prikaži doplačljive zmogljivosti
Translated and reviewed by Janez Gačnik
220229 of 373 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Slovenian Quality Assurance, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Janez Gačnik, Simon Vidmar, jure.