
Translation status

Owner: Chad Parker


pcb is translated with Open permissions.

Sharing Information

This template is not sharing translations with a template in an Ubuntu source package .

View sharing details
Language Status Untranslated Need review Changed Last Edited By
Brazilian Portuguese 005.98  94.01947148817803% translated  5.980528511821975% untranslated 86 86 0 0 2019-05-26 15:37:34 UTC Jorge Barros de Abreu
Cherokee 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Dakota 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Dutch 069.05  30.945757997218358% translated  69.05424200278163% untranslated 993 993 2 2 0 2019-05-26 17:09:55 UTC Bert Timmerman
French 085.05  14.951321279554938% translated  85.04867872044505% untranslated 1223 1223 2 2 0 2020-05-25 17:23:30 UTC Jean-Marc
German 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0 2019-05-26 15:37:43 UTC
Hawaiian 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Inuktitut 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Lakota 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Louisiana French 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Ojibwe 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Pennsylvania German 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Russian 026.22  73.78303198887343% translated  26.21696801112656% untranslated 377 377 0 0 2019-05-26 15:38:25 UTC Sergey Alyoshin
Spanish 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Tlingit 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Yiddish 100.00  100.0% untranslated 1438 1438 0 0
Key to this table: “Unchanged” means Translated
and “untranslated” means just that, Untranslated