Details for Romanian translation

Translation file details

  • Romanian
For: trunk
Translation group:
Launchpad Translators
Project group: OpenShot Project
Translation policy: Open
Plural forms: 3
Plural expression:
(n == 1 ? 0: (((n % 100 > 19) || ((n % 100 == 0) && (n != 0))) ? 2: 1))
Template description:
This template contains all of the user-visible text in OpenShot Video Editor. It contains strings for end-users.


Messages: 1017
Translated: 1009 (99.21337266470009%)
Untranslated: 8 (0.7866273352999017%)
Shared between Ubuntu and upstream: 1008 (99.11504424778761%)
Translated differently between Ubuntu and upstream: 1 (0.09832841691248771%)
Only translated on this side: 0 (0.0%)
Latest contributor:
grevutiu gabriel

000.79  99.21337266470009% translated  0.7866273352999017% untranslated