Translations by ValentinV
ValentinV has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
~ |
Wireframe Text
2012-01-13 |
Text FiriForm
~ |
Picture 2 Path
2011-03-16 |
Locatie Imagine 2
~ |
Custom Texture (Equirectangular)
2011-03-16 |
Textura personala (Equirectangular)
~ |
Distort the source similar to plasma
2011-03-16 |
Distorsioneaza sursa asemanator plasmei
~ |
Convert colors in the image to the opposite or complementary colors
2011-03-16 |
Schimba culorile imagini cu culori opuse sau complementare
~ |
Start: X
2011-03-16 |
Start: X
~ |
Start: Z
2011-03-16 |
Start: Z
~ |
Chroma Hold
2011-03-16 |
Mentinere Chroma
~ |
Line 1 Color
2011-03-16 |
Culoare Linia 1
~ |
Fly Towards Camera
2011-03-16 |
Zboara Catre Camera
~ |
Start: Y
2011-03-16 |
Start: Y
~ |
Calculates the distance between the selected color and the current pixel and uses that value as new pixel value
2011-03-16 |
Calculeaza distanta dintre culoare selectata si pixelul curent si foloseste acea valoare ca o valoare noua pentru pixel
~ |
Number of Snow Flakes
2011-03-16 |
Numar de Fulgi De Nea
~ |
Blinds (Two Titles)
2011-03-16 |
Jaluzele (Doua Titluri)
~ |
End: X
2011-03-16 |
Final: X
~ |
Sun: Type of Glare
2011-03-16 |
Soare: tip de stralucire
~ |
Adjusts the gamma and brightness randomly to create the illusion of old film
2011-03-16 |
Ajusteaza gamma si luminozitatea la intamplare pentru a obtine iluzia unui film vechi.
~ |
Increase the size of pixels to obscure the image
2011-03-16 |
Creste marimea pixelilor pentru a obscura imaginea
~ |
Find and glow the edges of objects
2011-03-16 |
Gaseste marginile obiectelor si facandu-le sa straluceasca
~ |
Adjust the color of the image to emulate black-and-white film that has had sepia pigment added
2011-03-16 |
Ajusteaza culoarea imaginii pentru a simula un film alb-negru caruia i-a fost adaugat pigment sepia
~ |
Line 3 Color
2011-03-16 |
Culoare linia 3
~ |
Title Specular Color
2011-03-16 |
Culoare Oglindire Titlu
~ |
End: Z
2011-03-16 |
Final: Z
~ |
Picture 4 Path
2011-03-16 |
Locatie imagine 4
~ |
Convert an image to shades of grey
2011-03-16 |
Transforma o imagine in nuante de gri
~ |
Sun: Color Threshold
2011-03-16 |
Soare: Prag Culoare
~ |
Freeze Before
2011-03-16 |
Ingheata Inainte
~ |
Title Diffuse Color
2011-03-16 |
Titlu Culoare Difuza
~ |
Add a series of peaks and troughs to the audio, creating a sweeping effect
2011-03-16 |
Adauga o serie de varfuri si jgheaburi sonorului , pentru un efect de maturare.
~ |
Adjust the high-pitched sound or tone
2011-03-16 |
Ajusteaza tonurile si sunetele cu tonalitate inalta
~ |
Shift the hue of all colors in the image
2011-03-16 |
Modifica nuanta tuturor culorilor dintr-o imagine
~ |
Adds static and grain to the image
2011-03-16 |
Adauga statice si granule imaginii
~ |
Adjust the low-pitched sound or tone
2011-03-16 |
Ajusteaza tonurile si sunetele cu tonalitate joasa
~ |
Display a single color, while using greyscale for the rest of the image
2011-03-16 |
Afiseaza o singura culoare , folosind nuante de gri pentru restul imaginii
~ |
Picture Frames (4 pictures)
2011-03-16 |
Cadre Imagine (4 imagini)
~ |
Sun: Number of Streaks
2011-03-16 |
Soare: Numar de dungi
~ |
Spots: Color Threshold
2011-03-16 |
Spoturi: Prag Culori
~ |
Reduces and mixes the colors of the image based on a threshold
2011-03-16 |
Reduce si amesteca culorile imaginii pe baza unu prag
~ |
Cartoonify the image, using a form of edge detection
2011-03-16 |
Desenificati imaginea , utilizand o formula de detectare a marginilor.
~ |
Picture 3 Path
2011-03-16 |
Locatie imagine 3
~ |
Bevel Depth
2011-03-16 |
Adancime tesire
~ |
Fly Towards Camera (Two Titles)
2011-03-16 |
Zboara Spre Camera (Doua Titluri)
~ |
Freeze After
2011-01-02 |
Ingheata Dupa
~ |
Adjust the image up and down, with the off-screen portion appearing on the other side
2011-01-02 |
Ajustaţi imaginea în sus şi în jos, cu porţiunea din afara ecranului care apar pe de altă parte
~ |
Cartoonify the image, using a form of edge detection
2011-01-02 |
Cartoonify imaginea, utilizând un formular de detectare a marginii
~ |
Picture 1 Path
2011-01-02 |
Locatie imagine 1
~ |
Specular Color
2011-01-02 |
Culoare Speculara
~ |
Repeat Sequence:
2011-01-02 |
Repeta secventa.
~ |
<b>Import Image Sequence</b> (Click for Instructions)
2011-01-02 |
<b>Importa secventa imagini</b> (clic pentru instructiuni)
~ |
Up Scale
2010-03-01 |
Scala in sus