Details for Javanese translation

Translation file details

  • Javanese
Launchpad Translations Administrators
For: 2.0
Translation group:
Launchpad Translators
Project group: OpenShot Project
Translation policy: Open
Plural forms: 2
Plural expression:
n != 0
Template description:
This template contains all the vector "emojis" or "clip art" in OpenShot. These are optional translations, as OpenShot is still fully usable without them translated. But these provide for a more native/rich experience when translated.


Messages: 1231
Translated: 0 (0.0%)
Untranslated: 1231 (100.0%)
Shared between Ubuntu and upstream: 0 (0.0%)
Translated differently between Ubuntu and upstream: 0 (0.0%)
Only translated on this side: 0 (0.0%)
100.00  100.0% untranslated

Contributors to this translation

No contributors recorded for this PO file.