Translations by buke

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19 of 9 results
Part One, :ref:`part1-steps`, starts with the installation of OpenERP. If you have already installed OpenERP you can directly take your first steps on a guided tour in the :ref:`ch-guided` chapter. If you are already familiar with OpenERP or Tiny ERP you can use the :ref:`ch-real` chapter to find out how to create a new workflow from scratch in an empty database with nothing to distract you. Or you can skip directly to the, :ref:`part2-crm-leads`, chapter in the, :ref:`part2-crm`, to start with details of OpenERP's functional modules.
第一部分, :ref:`part1-steps`, 安装OpenERP。如果你已经安装OpenERP 。可从,:ref:`ch-guided` 开始; 如果你熟悉OPENERP或 Tiny ERP, 请至 :ref:`ch-real` 查看如何从一个空数据库开始使用。 或者牛逼的你可以直接跳至 :ref:`part2-crm-leads`, :ref:`part2-crm` ,开始了解OPENERP的功能模块细节。
Being an author of several Software Manuals, it is a great challenge to work on the OpenERP documentation and continuously take it to a higher level. Please note that this is a hell of a job, but Els finds great pleasure in doing it!
做男人难,做软件手册的小编更难,做好OpenERP 文档并持续改进更是难上加难。虽然这个工作枯燥乏味,古人云”取妻莫愁无良媒,书中有女颜如玉“,同志们,加油!
*From Els Van Vossel*
*来自 Els Van Vossel*
It acts as a web server to an end user connecting from a web browser, but it also acts as a client to the OpenERP application server.
对使用web 浏览器的最终用来来说,它扮演web 服务器的角色。同时对于OpenERP应用服务器来说,它也是一个客户端。
Is there anything else in the server's history that can help you identify the problem? Open the file \ ``openerp-server.log``\ in \ ``C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne``\ (which you can only do when the server is stopped) and scan through the history for ideas. If something looks strange there, contributors to the OpenERP forums can often help identify the reason.
除服务器历史外还有没有其他信息能帮你定位问题? 打开文件 \ ``openerp-server.log``\ 在 \ ``C:\Program Files\OpenERP AllInOne``\ (仅当服务器停止时可操作) ,然后查看历史。如果有看到某些奇怪的东西,可以到 OpenERP 论坛搜索下,通常都可以找到原因。
Although this installation method is simple and therefore an attractive option, it is better to install OpenERP using a version downloaded from The downloaded revision is likely to be far more up to date than that available from a Linux distribution.
虽然此安装方法简单富有吸引力,但更好的方法是从http://openerp.com下载安装,从官方下载的版本往往要比 linux 自带的分发版新的多。
Maintaining packages is a process of development, testing and publication that takes time. The releases in OpenERP packages are therefore not always the latest available. Check the version number from the information on the website before installing a package. If group differs (for example 7.0) then you may decide to install it because the differences may be minor – bug fixes rather than functionality changes between the package and the latest version.
维护安装包是一个开放/测试/发布的过程,因此OpenERP 的版本并不一定是最新的。安装包之前,请从网站上获取版本号并检查。如果组不同(例如7.0),那么你可以安装它,差异可能会比较小 - 当前包和最新版本直接的差异大多是错误修复而不是功能更新。
*You have a choice of approaches for the second operation: either install a web server (most probably on the original server PC) to use with standard web clients that can be found on anybody's PC, or install application clients on each intended user's PC.*
*您还有其他可达到目标选择,就是安装web server (普通的PC Server 即可),然后就可以使用web 浏览器访问。或是在每台用户电脑上都安装客户端软件。 -- 译注:OE 7 起web server 已集成,官方也不再维护C/S客户端。
So if you have a team in India and a team in England, the times will automatically be converted. If an Indian employee sets her working hours from 9 to 6, that will be converted and saved in the server's timezone. When the English users want to set up a meeting with an Indian user, the Indian user's available time will be converted to English time.
如果你同时有英国和印度团队,时区将会自动转换。如果印度团队成员将他的工作时间设置为当地时间 9:00 ~ 18:00 ,这将会自动转换和存储为服务器时区。当来自英国的用户想和印度的用户安排会议的话,印度用户的可用时间将会转换为英国的时区 。